Transplant is a Canadian medical drama television series that follows Dr. Bashir "Bash" Hamed, a Syrian doctor with war-torn past who seeks a fresh start in Canada. After losing his wife and children in a bombing, Bash arrives in Toronto as a refugee and must navigate the challenges of starting over in a new country.
As Bash begins working at York Memorial Hospital, he faces cultural differences, language barriers, and skepticism from his colleagues. Despite these obstacles, Bash's exceptional skills and determination to help others make him a valuable asset to the hospital.
Throughout the series, Bash's past continues to haunt him as he grapples with survivor's guilt and PTSD. He forms close relationships with his coworkers and patients, all while trying to rebuild his life and find a sense of belonging in his new home.
Transplant explores themes of resilience, compassion, and the universal desire for a fresh start. The series delves into the complexities of immigration, trauma, and the healing power of human connection.