Twenty Twenty-Four tells the story of a lone scientist named Roy (Andrew Kinsler) who maintains Plethura, an underground bunker for the coming global nuclear disaster.
Although conflicted with the fate of humanity, Roy keeps the bunker ever-prepared for those who will eventually come to populate it.
But things take a dramatic turn when Roy becomes prematurely isolated.
Locked in and with no knowledge of what has happened 'Up Top', it becomes painfully clear that Roy is alone and nobody is coming for him.
With only the bunkers intelligent computer console 'Arthur' for company, the claustrophobic walls of Plethura slowly tighten their grip on Roy.
After several strange and unexplainable events, an increasingly paranoid Roy begins to confront the terrifying prospect that he may not be alone in the bunker.
As the situation escalates out of control, Roy is forced to question his own sanity.
Could it be his mind playing tricks? Or is there a malevolent force stalking him from within these walls?
With no hope of escape and nowhere to hide, Roy has no choice but to confront the true terror of Plethura.