Two Men and a Girl Soundtrack (

Two Men and a Girl Soundtrack (1947) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 470 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

¡Vaya luna de miel!

Title in Italiano:

Serenata messicana

Title in Português:

O Idílio Turbulento

Title in Français:

Sérénade à Mexico

Title in Türk:


Title in Deutsch:



Like many a young American couple, Barbara Olmstead and Corporal Phil Vaughn, who is currently stationed in the Canal Zone, are meeting in Mexico City to get married. Phil has only a three-day pass until he must return to the Canal Zone as his bride returns to Pemberville, Minnesota on her own.

American Vice-Consul David Flanner, despite his own hectic business and personal schedule, gets involved in getting Barbara and Phil together, initially because he's responsible for the safety of all Americans, and because he thinks 18-year-old Barbara is unwise in the way of foreign travel.

But as Barbara and Phil get into one predicament after another on their way to the altar, they require David's assistance more and more, which always seems to throw Barbara into David's arms--figuratively. These scenes always seem to be within view of friends or family of Raquel Mendoza, David's Mexican fiancée, who might not appreciate being neglected for another woman, which in turn could spell disaster for David's career in the diplomatic corps.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Two Men and a Girl
Theme from Z (feat. Mikis Theodorakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
1492 - Conquest of Paradise (feat. Vangelis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Topkapi (feat. Mikis Theodorakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Missing (feat. Vangelis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
State Of Siege (feat. Mikis Theodorakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Never On Sunday (feat. Manos Hadjidakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Phaedra - Instrumental Version (feat. Mikis Theodorakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Blue - Blue's Solitude / The River (feat. Manos Hadjidakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Chariots of Fire (feat. Vangelis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Honeymoon - The Honeymoon Song (feat. Mikis Theodorakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Blade Runner - Closing Theme (Short Version) (feat. Vangelis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Serpico (feat. Mikis Theodorakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
The 300 Spartans March (feat. Manos Hadjidakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Zorba The Greek - Zorba's Dance (feat. Mikis Theodorakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer
Phaedra (feat. Mikis Theodorakis)
Manos Hadjidakis: Performer

User reviews

Michelle Hill

The soundtrack features a perfect blend of instrumental pieces and vocal tracks, each adding depth and dimension to the film's atmosphere and mood.

James Jackson

Overall, the music in Two Men and a Girl plays an integral role in conveying the themes of love, friendship, and personal growth, making it a memorable aspect of the film.

Stephanie Young

The soundtrack of Two Men and a Girl fails to capture the emotional depth of the characters' predicaments and struggles throughout the film. The music often feels generic and uninspired, lacking the ability to enhance the audience's connection to the story.

Richard Scott

The use of different musical styles in the soundtrack of Two Men and a Girl reflects the diverse cultural backgrounds of the characters, enriching the overall listening experience.

Ronald Thomas

The soundtrack of Two Men and a Girl effectively sets the tone for each scene, from heartwarming moments to unexpected twists, creating a dynamic listening experience.

Susan Davis

Overall, the music in Two Men and a Girl is a standout element of the film, elevating the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Brian Brown

The soundtrack of Two Men and a Girl perfectly captures the romantic and adventurous essence of the film, with uplifting melodies that enhance the story of Barbara, Phil, and David.

Matthew Lee

The music in Two Men and a Girl creates a sense of tension and urgency during the predicaments that Barbara and Phil face on their journey to the altar, adding depth to the storyline.

Laura Baker

Additionally, the use of repetitive and cliche musical motifs in key romantic scenes detracts from the authenticity of the characters' relationships. Instead of adding depth and nuance to the narrative, the soundtrack feels predictable and formulaic, diminishing the impact of pivotal moments in the film.

Matthew Harris

The use of traditional Mexican instruments in the soundtrack adds a unique and authentic touch to the overall sound, creating a rich and immersive listening experience.

Margaret Harris

The melodies in the soundtrack are beautifully crafted and memorable, making it easy to connect emotionally with the characters and their journey throughout the film.

Margaret Perez

The songs in the soundtrack are not only pleasing to the ear but also serve to convey the characters' feelings and motivations, adding layers of complexity to the storytelling.

Mary White

The musical score of Two Men and a Girl perfectly captures the romantic and adventurous spirit of the film, enhancing the emotions of the characters and the storyline.

Amanda Thompson

The emotional depth conveyed through the music in Two Men and a Girl enhances the audience's connection to the characters and their individual struggles and triumphs.

Ronald Mitchell

The music effectively sets the tone for each scene, whether it be heartwarming, suspenseful, or joyful, enhancing the overall impact of the storytelling.

Laura Hill

The orchestration and arrangement of the music in Two Men and a Girl are top-notch, showcasing the talent and expertise of the composers and musicians involved in its creation.