Violence Jack is a post-apocalyptic manga series created by Go Nagai. The story is set in a world devastated by a massive earthquake that splits Japan into three separate regions: Hell, a lawless wasteland ruled by violent gangs; Kanto, a city controlled by a ruthless dictator; and Eden, a peaceful community of survivors.
The titular character, Violence Jack, is a mysterious and powerful warrior who roams the wastelands, protecting the innocent and punishing the guilty. With his immense strength and brutal fighting skills, Jack becomes a symbol of hope for those living in fear.
As Jack navigates the dangerous landscape of post-apocalyptic Japan, he encounters a variety of characters, both friend and foe. From ruthless warlords to desperate survivors, Jack must navigate a treacherous world where violence and betrayal are commonplace.
Throughout the series, Jack is faced with moral dilemmas and difficult choices as he struggles to maintain his humanity in a world consumed by chaos and destruction. With its graphic violence and dark themes, Violence Jack is a gritty and intense manga that explores the darker aspects of human nature in a world on the brink of collapse.