Wheelman Soundtrack (

Wheelman Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 6.40/10 from 22000 votes
Tags: driver, driving a car
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:


Title in Italiano:


Title in Português:

O Homem do Volante

Title in Français:


Title in Türk:

Direksiyondaki Adam

Title in Deutsch:



After three years in prison, the driver known as Wheelman has to work for mobsters to pay for a debt.

When he is assigned to drive a getaway car for a bank heist, he is not able to contact his liaison and a stranger call him giving orders to deliver the stolen money to him.

Soon he learns that he has been betrayed by his contact and spends the night trying to save his thirteen year-old Katie and his ex-wife Jessica from a gang that wants the money robbed from the bank.

But who can be trusted?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Main Theme Song
Miami (Day)
Miami Escape (Day)
Miami (Night)
Miami Escape (Night)
San Francisco (Daytime)
San Francisco Escape (Daytime)
San Francisco (Night)
San Francisco Escape (Night)
Los Angeles (Day)
Los Angeles Escape (Day)
Los Angeles (Night)
Los Angeles Escape (Night)
New York (Day)
New York Escape (Day)
New York (Night)
New York Escape (Night)
Brooke Blair: Performer
The Job
Brooke Blair: Performer
Counting the Money
Brooke Blair: Performer
Brooke Blair: Performer
The Exchange
Brooke Blair: Performer
The Tunnel
Brooke Blair: Performer
West End Guy
Brooke Blair: Performer
Clay's Dead
Brooke Blair: Performer
He's Got My Wife
Brooke Blair: Performer
Brooke Blair: Performer
Looking for Katie
Brooke Blair: Performer
Why Are You Bleeding?
Brooke Blair: Performer
Promise Me
Brooke Blair: Performer
Kate Driving
Brooke Blair: Performer
The Drop
Brooke Blair: Performer
Brooke Blair: Performer

User reviews

John Thomas

The soundtrack of Wheelman features a diverse range of musical styles and genres, which keeps the audience engaged and adds variety to the overall listening experience. The music enhances the different moods and settings of the film.

Paul Hill

The soundtrack of Wheelman effectively conveys the emotions of the main character, from moments of desperation to determination. The music enhances the character development and adds depth to the storyline.

Brian Smith

I found the repetitive use of certain musical motifs in the soundtrack to be distracting and monotonous. It felt like the composer took the easy way out by relying on clichéd musical phrases rather than creating a unique and engaging score that could elevate the film.

Brian Jackson

The soundtrack of Wheelman effectively captures the tense and suspenseful atmosphere of the film. The music enhances the action sequences and keeps the audience engaged throughout.

Steven Lee

Overall, the soundtrack of Wheelman is a standout element of the film, showcasing the importance of music in shaping the narrative and enhancing the overall cinematic experience.

Michael Hall

The lack of variety in the musical styles used throughout the movie made the soundtrack feel one-dimensional. It failed to effectively mirror the shifting moods and tension of the plot, leaving the audience with a sense of disconnect between the on-screen action and the accompanying music.

Andrew Moore

The use of electronic beats and pulsating rhythms in the soundtrack adds a modern and edgy feel to the movie. It complements the fast-paced nature of the story and intensifies the adrenaline rush of the chase scenes.

Charles Robinson

The soundtrack of Wheelman perfectly captures the intense and suspenseful atmosphere of the movie. The pulsating beats and electronic elements really enhance the adrenaline-fueled car chase scenes, making them even more thrilling and engaging.

David Scott

The use of electronic beats and pulsating rhythms in the soundtrack of Wheelman creates a modern and edgy vibe that complements the fast-paced nature of the story.

George Thompson

The sound design in Wheelman is top-notch, with each musical cue perfectly timed to heighten the impact of key plot points and character developments.

Charles Hill

The soundtrack does a great job of setting the tone for the film, creating a gritty and urban atmosphere that matches the dark and dangerous world of the story. The music enhances the overall cinematic experience.

Mary Jackson

The composition of the soundtrack is well-crafted, with a good mix of instrumental tracks and electronic elements. The music seamlessly blends with the on-screen action and helps to build tension in key moments.

Robert Hall

The music in Wheelman effectively builds tension during the action-packed scenes, adding an extra layer of excitement to the film.

Joseph Lopez

The music selection in Wheelman adds depth to the characters and their motivations, helping to evoke empathy and connection with the audience.

Nancy Baker

The use of dynamic and edgy music in Wheelman adds so much depth to the storyline and characters. The way the soundtrack builds tension and drama throughout the film is truly impressive, creating a mesmerizing experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

Mark Smith

Overall, the soundtrack of Wheelman is a strong and effective component of the film, adding depth and intensity to the storyline. The music elevates the viewing experience and contributes to the overall success of the movie.

Daniel Adams

The soundtrack of Wheelman perfectly captures the intense and suspenseful atmosphere of the film, enhancing the overall experience for the viewers.

Timothy Martinez

The use of ambient sounds and electronic textures in the soundtrack adds a layer of complexity to the film, creating a sense of unease and uncertainty that reflects the protagonist's precarious situation.

Margaret Thompson

The soundtrack of Wheelman failed to capture the intensity and suspense of the high-stakes situations in the movie. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the emotional depth needed to enhance the storyline.

Thomas Rodriguez

The soundtrack of Wheelman features a diverse range of tracks that cater to different moods within the film, from high-energy chase sequences to emotional moments of reflection.