Who Killed Markiplier? is a murder mystery interactive web series created by Mark Fischbach, also known as Markiplier. The story follows the murder of Markiplier at a party hosted by his friend, Colonel William Warfstache. The audience is tasked with solving the mystery by watching different perspectives and making choices that affect the outcome.
The series features a diverse cast of characters, including the Detective, the Butler, the Colonel, and the Seer. Each episode reveals new clues and twists, keeping viewers engaged and guessing until the final reveal.
As the audience delves deeper into the story, they uncover dark secrets and hidden motives among the characters. The interactive nature of the series allows viewers to piece together the puzzle and ultimately determine Who Killed Markiplier?
Play | Title | Artist |
Who Killed Markiplier?
Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time
Me and the Devil
Ten Tonne Skeleton
Good Mourning
Emperor's New Clothes
Black Wedding (feat. Rob Halford)