Winterkartoffelknödel Soundtrack (

Winterkartoffelknödel Soundtrack (2014) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 2500 votes
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Village gendarme Franz Eberhofer is as white as his grandmother's winter potato dumplings. He first has to digest the sight of the dead Neuhofer son. As if out of the blue, a construction container had come loose from the crane and buried the unfortunate man right under it - right in front of their own front door. The police officer, who was transferred to his hometown of Niederkaltenkirchen, doesn't really believe it was an accident. After all, after 15 years of service in Munich, he has an unerring instinct for crime. With the help of his friend and former colleague Rudi Birkenberger, who now works as a private detective, Eberhofer finds out that the container's suspension has been tampered with. But nothing more.

In the village, the matter is clear anyway: really bad karma. Because the father of the dead man died in an accident. The community, especially the male part, prefers to deal with a new face than with murder theories: The exciting Mercedes, recently moved into the abandoned villa on the edge of the forest, wraps everyone around its finger. Also Eberhofer. Unfortunately, his duty as a policeman distracts him from his flirtation with Mercedes: Mother Neuhofer is found hanged. Now only son Hans is left of the long-suffering family. But instead of sinking into grief, he recently drives an expensive sports car. No wonder that Eberhofer's mistrust is reawakened.

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Play Title Artist
Hardy Schwetter: Performer
Hardy Schwetter: Writer
Keine Sterne in Athen
Stephan Remmler: Writer
LaBrassBanda: Performer
Martin Probst: Writer

User reviews

Ronald Gonzalez

The soundtrack of Winterkartoffelknödel perfectly captures the mysterious and suspenseful atmosphere of the film. Each track enhances the tension and intrigue of the plot, keeping the audience engaged throughout.

Carol Nelson

The lack of variety in the musical themes makes the soundtrack repetitive and forgettable. It fails to evoke the emotions and suspense necessary to fully immerse the audience in the mysterious events unfolding in the film.

Donna Adams

The emotional depth of the soundtrack shines through in moments of tragedy and loss, enhancing the impact of key scenes in the film. The music effectively conveys the characters' complex emotions and struggles, adding an extra layer of depth to the storytelling.

Laura Allen

The soundtrack of Winterkartoffelknödel expertly sets the tone for the mysterious and suspenseful atmosphere of the film. The use of haunting melodies and eerie soundscapes enhances the sense of unease and intrigue as the protagonist delves deeper into the investigation. The music effectively captures the essence of the small village setting and the dark secrets hidden within its community.

Richard Lee

The use of traditional Bavarian folk music in the soundtrack adds an authentic and unique touch to the film, immersing the viewers in the rural setting of the story. The blend of modern and traditional elements in the music creates a dynamic and captivating listening experience.

Joshua Martinez

Overall, the soundtrack of Winterkartoffelknödel is a standout element of the film, elevating the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Timothy Davis

The soundtrack of Winterkartoffelknödel fails to capture the tension and intrigue of the plot. The music feels generic and uninspired, lacking the depth needed to enhance the storytelling.

Brian Phillips

I found the soundtrack of Winterkartoffelknödel to be somewhat lacking in diversity and originality. While it did succeed in creating a moody and tense ambiance, I felt that the music could have been more dynamic and engaging. The repetitive use of certain motifs became predictable and didn't add much depth to the overall viewing experience. I believe a more varied and innovative approach to the soundtrack could have elevated the film to a higher level.

Mark Miller

The soundtrack of Winterkartoffelknödel perfectly captures the mysterious and suspenseful atmosphere of the film. The use of eerie melodies and haunting tones adds depth to the storyline, keeping me engaged and on the edge of my seat throughout the movie.

Carol Wright

Overall, the soundtrack of Winterkartoffelknödel misses the mark in enhancing the viewing experience, leaving the audience feeling disconnected and underwhelmed by the musical accompaniment.

Betty Phillips

Each track in the soundtrack of Winterkartoffelknödel complements the scenes perfectly, enhancing the emotional impact of the story. The music evokes a sense of intrigue and tension, making the viewing experience even more immersive and memorable.