Autumn Milk Soundtrack (

Autumn Milk Soundtrack (1989) cover

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Rating: 6.90/10 from 475 votes
Tags: toil, mother in law
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Leche de otoño

Title in Italiano:

Autumn Milk

Title in Português:

Autumn Milk


This cinematic adaptation of the autobiography of Anna Wimschneider depicts her life's experiences and workaday routines as a woman born on a farm in lower Bavaria, Germany in the 1920s.

Anna's mother died young in childbirth and Anna had to take her place and work very hard.

On a Nazi rally she meets young Albert, who owns a farm. They realize that they both don't believe into fascism and go to a coffee bar where he starts wooing her.

Against her prior decision to leave farm life as soon as possible, she agrees to marry him, hoping that her life will become easier on Albert's farm.

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Autumn Milk

User reviews

Kimberly Lewis

The use of traditional Bavarian instruments in the soundtrack adds authenticity and richness to the overall atmosphere of the film, transporting the viewers to the 1920s and immersing them in Anna's world.

Matthew King

The soundtrack of Autumn Milk fails to capture the emotional depth and complexity of Anna's story. The music feels generic and uninspired, lacking the necessary gravitas to convey the hardships and struggles she faced in her life on the farm.

Deborah Robinson

Each musical piece in the soundtrack skillfully conveys the nostalgia and melancholy of Anna's upbringing, creating a powerful connection with the audience and enhancing the storytelling experience.

William Robinson

The haunting melodies and evocative compositions transport the listener to the rural landscapes of lower Bavaria, Germany in the 1920s, setting the tone for a poignant and thought-provoking cinematic experience. The music beautifully enhances the narrative, adding layers of depth and emotion to Anna's journey of love, loss, and self-discovery.

Steven Hernandez

The compositions in the soundtrack seem out of place and disconnected from the narrative, failing to enhance the viewing experience or evoke any sense of empathy towards Anna's character. The lack of cohesion between the music and the storyline detracts from the overall impact of the film, leaving the audience feeling detached and unengaged with the unfolding events.

Edward Nelson

The soundtrack of Autumn Milk perfectly captures the emotional journey of Anna Wimschneider, from her hardships on the farm to her unexpected romance with Albert.

Melissa Adams

The music beautifully conveys the melancholy of Anna's early struggles and the weight of responsibility she carries after her mother's death. It sets the tone for the challenges she faces and the resilience she demonstrates in overcoming them.

Elizabeth Martinez

The soundtrack of Autumn Milk perfectly captures the emotional depth and intensity of Anna Wimschneider's struggles and triumphs throughout her life on the farm in lower Bavaria.

Margaret Davis

The soundtrack of Autumn Milk perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of Anna Wimschneider's life story. Each musical piece resonates with the struggles and triumphs of a woman who had to take on immense responsibilities at a young age, portraying her resilience and determination.

Margaret Scott

Overall, the soundtrack of Autumn Milk enhances the storytelling of Anna Wimschneider's life, effectively capturing the raw emotions and complexities of her experiences in a way that resonates with the audience.

Laura Williams

As Anna's relationship with Albert develops, the soundtrack evolves to reflect the hope and optimism that blossoms in her life. The delicate melodies and heartfelt compositions mirror the tender moments shared between the two characters, adding depth to their love story.