Wormwood Soundtrack (

Wormwood Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 4700 votes
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Wormwood is a thrilling mystery series that follows the story of a man named Eric Olson, who embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind his father's mysterious death.

Eric's father, Frank Olson, was a CIA scientist who died under suspicious circumstances in 1953. As Eric delves deeper into his father's past, he uncovers a web of lies, deceit, and government cover-ups that lead him to question everything he thought he knew about his father.

Through a combination of interviews, archival footage, and dramatic reenactments, Wormwood paints a vivid picture of the events leading up to Frank Olson's death and the aftermath that followed. As Eric gets closer to the truth, he realizes that his father's death may have been part of a larger conspiracy involving mind control experiments and Cold War politics.

As Eric races against time to uncover the truth, he must confront his own demons and come to terms with the dark legacy that his father left behind. Wormwood is a gripping tale of mystery, intrigue, and betrayal that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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User reviews

Betty Lopez

The music in Wormwood effectively sets the tone for each scene, heightening the drama and intrigue of the unfolding events.

Melissa Young

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack create an eerie atmosphere that adds depth to the storytelling of Eric Olson's quest for the truth.

Melissa Smith

The soundtrack of Wormwood effectively underscores the emotional turmoil and internal conflict experienced by the characters, adding layers of complexity to their journeys.

Mary Nelson

The soundtrack of Wormwood truly enhances the suspense and intensity of the series, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere that keeps me fully engaged in the story.

Edward Wilson

The score of Wormwood showcases the talent and creativity of the composers, who have crafted a memorable and immersive musical experience.

Donna Adams

The music in Wormwood is so captivating that it often becomes a character in its own right, guiding the emotional tone of the series.

Carol Lopez

Each track in the soundtrack is expertly crafted to evoke emotion and tension, drawing the audience further into the narrative.

Betty Jackson

The use of various instruments and sounds in the soundtrack reflects the complexity of the storyline and the layers of deception that Eric uncovers.

Michelle Jones

The music in Wormwood not only complements the on-screen action but also serves as a powerful storytelling device in its own right.

Elizabeth Martin

The soundtrack of Wormwood is a masterclass in setting the mood and building suspense, drawing viewers deeper into the unfolding mystery.

Linda Campbell

Overall, the music in Wormwood adds another layer of depth and complexity to an already gripping and thought-provoking series.

Mary Moore

The soundtrack of Wormwood perfectly captures the suspense and mystery of the series, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Melissa Martin

The musical choices in Wormwood demonstrate a keen understanding of storytelling through sound, enhancing the thematic elements of the series.

Dorothy Gonzalez

The use of eerie and atmospheric music in Wormwood creates a sense of unease and mystery that perfectly complements the storyline.

Amanda Hernandez

The haunting melodies in Wormwood linger long after the episodes end, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Susan Evans

The soundtrack seamlessly blends with the visuals, enhancing the impact of key moments and revelations throughout the series.

George Jones

The soundtrack of Wormwood skillfully blends modern compositions with retro elements, adding depth and complexity to the narrative.

Steven Harris

The soundtrack of Wormwood is a standout feature of the series, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers involved in bringing the story to life.

Michael Carter

The soundtrack of Wormwood effectively captures the tension and suspense of the series, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Paul Wilson

The soundtrack's ability to build suspense and create a sense of unease mirrors the psychological journey that Eric Olson undergoes as he unravels the truth behind his father's death.

Deborah Phillips

The haunting melodies and eerie tones in the music perfectly capture the sense of mystery and intrigue surrounding Frank Olson's death, adding an extra layer of depth to the narrative that immerses me even further into the plot.