Yajû shisubeshi is a Japanese film directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. The story follows a group of people who are stranded in a forest after a bus accident. As they try to find their way out, they encounter mysterious creatures known as Yajû. These creatures are deadly and hunt the group one by one.
The survivors must band together and use their wits to outsmart the Yajû and escape the forest alive. As they struggle to stay alive, they also begin to question their own humanity and the true nature of the Yajû.
Yajû shisubeshi is a suspenseful and thrilling film that explores themes of survival, fear, and the unknown. It keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow the characters' desperate fight for survival in the haunting forest.
Play | Title | Artist |
Yajû shisubeshi
Theme Music
Akihiko Takashima: