A semi-spinoff of the popular Yu-Gi-Oh anime series, focusing on a boy named Jaden and his misadventures as a student at an esteemed Duel Monsters academy.
Download and play the Soundtrack list
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Yu-Gi-Oh! Thema
Das Duell (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Yugi vs. Marik (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Wenn der Regen kommt (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Der Fluch des Pharao
Das Duell (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - X-tended Version
Das Spiel ist unsere Welt
Es wird nicht leicht
Wie weit kann man gehen
Es ist vorbei
[Yu-Gi-Oh! Opening 1] Your Move (German)
[Yu-Gi-Oh! Opening 1] Your Move (Italian)
[Yu-Gi-Oh! OST] Your Move
[Yu-Gi-Oh! OST] Shadow Games
[Yu-Gi-Oh! OST] Fang of Critias (Japanese)
[Yu-Gi-Oh! OST] The Eye of Timaeus
[Yu-Gi-Oh! OST] The Claw of Hermos
[Yu-Gi-Oh! OST] God's Anger
[Yu-Gi-Oh! OST] Passionate Duelist
[Yu-Gi-Oh! OST] Millenium Battle (Best Part Extended)