Zenne Dancer Soundtrack (

Zenne Dancer Soundtrack (2011) cover

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Rating: 7.20/10 from 2900 votes
Tags: war photograph, custom
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Title in Español:

Zenne Dancer

Title in Italiano:

Zenne Dancer

Title in Português:

Zenne Dancer


"Zenne Dancer" is a Turkish drama film that tells the story of a young man named Can who is a belly dancer. Can struggles to find acceptance in a society that is not open to his lifestyle. He faces discrimination and prejudice from his family and friends, but finds solace in his passion for dance. As Can navigates his way through life, he forms a close bond with a fellow dancer named Ahmet. Together, they challenge societal norms and fight for their right to express themselves through dance. The film explores themes of identity, acceptance, and the power of self-expression."

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Zenne Dancer

User reviews

John Campbell

The music in Zenne Dancer transports the listener to the world of the characters, evoking a range of emotions from joy to sorrow, creating a truly immersive experience.

Joshua Mitchell

The soundtrack not only serves as a background to the film but also stands on its own as a moving and captivating musical work that can be appreciated independently.

Robert Carter

The soundtrack fails to convey the cultural richness and diversity of Turkey, missing an opportunity to deepen the audience's connection to the characters and their journey.

Daniel Thomas

The fusion of traditional Turkish music with modern elements in the soundtrack reflects the cultural context of the film, enriching the narrative with authenticity.

Dorothy Moore

The music in Zenne Dancer feels repetitive and uninspired, failing to enhance the storytelling and emotional impact of the film.

Anthony Evans

Each track in the soundtrack is carefully selected to convey the struggles and triumphs of the characters, adding depth and resonance to their stories.

James Harris

Overall, I found the music in Zenne Dancer to be a missed opportunity to elevate the film's themes and characters, leaving me feeling disconnected from the story.

Anthony Perez

The music perfectly complements the themes of identity and self-expression explored in the film, creating a powerful and immersive viewing experience.

Edward Lewis

One negative opinion I have about the soundtrack of Zenne Dancer is that it lacks emotional depth and fails to capture the complexities of the characters' struggles and triumphs.

Paul Jackson

The emotional depth and sensitivity of the music in Zenne Dancer resonated with me on a personal level, touching my heart and soul.

Robert Davis

The soundtrack of Zenne Dancer beautifully captures the emotional journey of the characters, enhancing the storytelling with its evocative melodies.

George Martinez

On the other hand, some tracks in the soundtrack of Zenne Dancer felt repetitive and did not bring anything new or impactful to the storytelling. While the overall mood of the music was fitting for the themes of the film, it lacked diversity and innovation, leaving some scenes feeling monotonous and uninspired.

Mark Perez

The soundtrack of Zenne Dancer perfectly captures the emotional journey of the main characters, Can and Ahmet. The music enhances the poignant moments of struggle and discrimination they face, adding depth to their story and making the audience connect on a deeper level with their experiences.

Nancy Carter

Overall, the soundtrack of Zenne Dancer is a masterpiece that elevates the film to a higher level, leaving a lasting impression and enriching the audience's connection to the story.