Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes Soundtrack (

Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 5.10/10 from 365 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Zuleikha otkrivaet glaza

Title in Italiano:

Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes

Title in Português:

Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes


Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes is a screen version of the best-selling novel by Guzel Yakhina. The year is 1930. In a small Tatar village, a woman named Zuleikha watches as her husband is murdered by communists. Zuleikha herself is sent into exile, enduring a horrendous train journey to a remote spot on the Angara River in Siberia.

Conditions in the camp are tough, and many of her group do not survive the first difficult winter. As she gradually settles into a routine, Zuleikha starts to get to know her companions. The eclectic group includes a rather dotty doctor, an artist who paints on the sly, and Ignatov, Zuleikha's husband's killer.

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Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes

User reviews

Joseph Turner

Overall, the soundtrack of Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes is a powerful and evocative accompaniment to the visual storytelling, enhancing the emotional depth and impact of the film. It effectively captures the spirit of the characters and the time period, making it a standout element of the movie.

Stephanie Smith

The soundtrack of Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes perfectly captures the emotional turmoil and resilience of the characters in the story. The haunting melodies evoke a sense of loss and longing that resonates with the harsh realities faced by Zuleikha and her companions.

Carol Moore

The use of traditional Tatar music in the soundtrack adds an authentic touch to the film, immersing the audience in the cultural context of the story. The blend of folk instruments and modern compositions creates a unique and captivating listening experience that enhances the overall viewing experience.

William Jones

The use of diverse instruments and vocal styles in the soundtrack of Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes adds layers of richness and complexity to the storytelling. Each track enhances the character development and the mood of the scenes, creating a truly immersive and engaging cinematic experience for the audience.

Richard Green

The soundtrack of Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes beautifully captures the emotional depth and historical setting of the story. The haunting melodies and traditional Tatar music transport the listener to the harsh realities of 1930s Siberia, enhancing the viewing experience with authenticity and depth.

Charles Carter

The score effectively conveys the bleakness and desolation of the Siberian landscape, highlighting the isolation and hardship faced by the characters. The somber tones and melancholic themes reflect the oppressive atmosphere of the camp and the characters' struggle for survival.