"Zärtlich, aber frech wie Oskar" is a German film that tells the story of a young boy named Oskar who is both tender and cheeky. Oskar lives in a small village and is known for his mischievous behavior. Despite his antics, Oskar has a heart of gold and is loved by everyone in the community.
One day, Oskar meets a new girl in town named Anna. Anna is different from the other children and Oskar is immediately drawn to her. As they spend more time together, Oskar begins to develop feelings for Anna.
However, their budding romance is threatened when a group of bullies in the village start to target Anna. Oskar must find a way to protect Anna and stand up to the bullies, all while navigating the complexities of young love.
"Zärtlich, aber frech wie Oskar" is a heartwarming film that explores themes of friendship, love, and standing up for what is right. It is a story that will resonate with audiences of all ages.