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Having no recollection of who she is, what happened, or how she ended up with an inflamed wound on her arm, a wary woman meanders through the ruins of an endless, ghastly wasteland, uttering a soliloquy.
Scavenging for food and water in the carcass of a desolate, post-Apocalyptic, dog-eat-dog world, all the woman knows is she must keep walking towards the West and fight tooth and nail to stay alive.
Indeed, against the backdrop of global civilisation collapse, there can be no heroes, and what's left of the cities is a death trap: silent, well-kept remnants where the pitiless Morning Patrol has laid its snares for the unsuspecting ones who enter the off-limits zone.
But with humankind on its knees, who can you trust? And, if resistance is futile, are memories enough to keep us going?