Eternal Mission Colonna sonora (

Eternal Mission Colonna sonora (2016) copertina

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Valutazione: 9.10/10 da 20 voti
Tags: parlamento, conferenza, pace, Parigi, Francia
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Eternal Mission

Titolo in Português:

Eternal Mission


Il film parla del difficile destino della delegazione - guidata dal presidente del Parlamento Alimardan Topchubashov - inviata dalla Repubblica Democratica dell'Azerbaigian in missione alla Conferenza di Pace di Parigi, gennaio 1919.

Scarica e riproduci l'elenco delle colonne sonore

Suonare Titolo Artista
Eternal Mission
Hell On Earth
Cultist Base
Mick Gordon: Artista
Blood Harvesting
Soul Extraction
BFG Division 2020
Metal Hell
Paradise Lost
The DOOM Hunter
Infiltrate the Cult
A Cultist Prayer
Mick Gordon: Artista
Demonic Corruption
Maykr Drones
The Khan Maykr (Chad Mossholder remix)
Deag Ranak
Mars Core
Deag Nilox - First Priest Death
The Icon of Sin
Mick Gordon: Artista
Phobos Space
A Slayer City
The Super Gore Nest
The Only Thing They Fear Is You
Mick Gordon: Artista
Asteroids and Rockets
You Can't Just Shoot A Hole Into The surface of Mars
DOOM Hunted
Blood Sacrifice
Welcome Home Great Slayer
Mick Gordon: Artista
Prayer of the Diminished
Mick Gordon: Artista
Gladiator Boss
Beast of the Arena
Fortress of Doom - Chad Mossholder
Revenant Possession
Usuper Gore
Mick Gordon: Artista
Super Shotgun Reunion
The Baron of Hell
Doomed Hunter
Command and Control
Mick Gordon: Artista
BFG 10k
Sam's Base
Phobos Base
Acquiring the BFG
Heart of the Beast
Bio-organic Continuum Gate
Massive Demonic Presence
Armored Response Coalition
Kalibas the Sightless Judge
S.O.S. from Earth
Barging In
Taras Nabad
King Novik
Mick Gordon: Artista
Eternal Prophecy
The Betrayer
Mick Gordon: Artista
DOOM Eternal
Mick Gordon: Artista
End of Level
Final Sin - Sandy City