O Ritual Banda sonora (

O Ritual Banda sonora (2011) cobrir

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Avaliação: 6.00/10 do 103000 votos
Etiquetas: exorcismo, exorcista, Itália, horror sobrenatural, rã
Nomes alternativos:
Título em Español:

El rito

Título em Italiano:

Il rito

Título em English:

The Rite


Michael Kovak (Colin O'Donaghue), filho de um diretor de funerária, torna-se indiferente ao seu pai e ingressa em um Seminário. Em seu caminho para a conclusão do curso, ele é dominado por uma forte falta de fé. Suas crenças religiosas são ainda mais abaladas quando ele vê uma jovem morrendo em um acidente de carro, para quem ele relutantemente realiza o ritual para absolver seus pecados. Seu mentor ainda acredita nele e o instiga a ir para a Itália para fazer um curso de exorcismo, esperando que isso fortaleça sua fé no Cristianismo.

Na Itália, ele participa de uma sessão com o Padre Xavier (Ciarán Hinds), que logo percebe seu ceticismo. Como resultado, ele o envia para um eminente exorcista jesuíta, Padre Lucas Trevant (Sir Anthony Hopkins), cujos métodos, embora questionáveis, são bastante eficazes. Ele testemunha o exorcismo de uma garota de dezesseis anos, mas ainda parece não convencido. Padre Lucas explica a ele que são necessárias várias sessões ao longo de um longo período de tempo para libertar completamente uma vítima do demônio.

Apesar de testemunhar algumas ocorrências sobrenaturais durante o exorcismo mencionado acima, Michael permanece tão cético quanto sempre. Após o segundo exorcismo, a condição da garota se torna bastante crítica, pois ela é transferida para um hospital. Ela logo morre e o demônio encontra uma nova vítima. À medida que o momento da acerto de contas se aproxima, Michael pode ser a única esperança restante, mas primeiro ele deve superar suas próprias dúvidas e apreensões para lutar e destruir as forças sinistras.

Faça o download e reproduza a lista da trilha sonora

Toque Título Artista
O Ritual
Don't Miss Me
Derek Trucks: Writer
Rhapsodie Italiana
Alex Heffes: Writer
All Clubbed Out
Alex Heffes: Performer
Alex Heffes: Writer
The Four Seasons
Antonio Vivaldi: Writer
Sonny Boy
Lew Brown: Writer
The Procedure
Alex Heffes: Performer
Going to Rome
Alex Heffes: Performer
The Accident
Alex Heffes: Performer
The First Exorcism
Alex Heffes: Performer
God's Fingernail
Alex Heffes: Performer
Rosaria Coughs up the Nails
Alex Heffes: Performer
Michael Remembers/The Hospital
Alex Heffes: Performer
Angeline's Story
Alex Heffes: Performer
Phone call to Father
Alex Heffes: Performer
The Terror is Real
Alex Heffes: Performer
Exorcism of Lucas Part 1
Alex Heffes: Performer
The Final Exorcism
Alex Heffes: Performer
The Farewell
Alex Heffes: Performer
Danny Darst: Performer
Somebody's Daddy
Danny Darst: Performer
No Such Thing
Danny Darst: Performer
The Great Escape
Danny Darst: Performer
Danny Darst: Performer
Push Me Away
Danny Darst: Performer
Danny Darst: Performer
Never the Same
Danny Darst: Performer
Danny Darst: Performer
Phuong Thao
Danny Darst: Performer
Charité Hauptthema
John Gurtler: Performer
Ankunft Professor Dr. Sauerbruch
John Gurtler: Performer
Familie von Dohnanyi
John Gurtler: Performer
Sauerbruch operiert
John Gurtler: Performer
John Gurtler: Performer
John Gurtler: Performer
Angriff auf die Charité
John Gurtler: Performer
De Crinis
John Gurtler: Performer
Brief von der Reichswehr
John Gurtler: Performer
Abreise von Familie Sauerbruch
John Gurtler: Performer
Ein Spion an der Charité
John Gurtler: Performer
Otto und Christel
John Gurtler: Performer
Abschied von Peter
John Gurtler: Performer
Die NS-Justiz holt von Dohnanyi
John Gurtler: Performer
Anni rettet Karin
John Gurtler: Performer
Margot Sauerbruch
John Gurtler: Performer
John Gurtler: Performer
Zerstörtes Berlin
John Gurtler: Performer
Arthur unter Beschuss
John Gurtler: Performer
Nachricht vom Hitlerattentat
John Gurtler: Performer
Christels Kampf
John Gurtler: Performer
Martin versteckt Gewehre
John Gurtler: Performer
John Gurtler: Performer
Der Kampf ist vorbei
John Gurtler: Performer
Akten der Kinder aus Wiesengrund
John Gurtler: Performer
John Gurtler: Performer
Charité Thema
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Zwei Schwestern
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Der Brief
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Hedwig und Koch
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Das Licht der Welt
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Sir Arthur
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Das Experiment
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Ida und Georg
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Die Séance
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Die Beerdigung
Martin Lingnau: Performer
Martin Lingnau: Performer
"A Dream" - Common Feat. Will.I.Am
Mark Isham: Performer
"Listen!!!" - Talib Kweli
Mark Isham: Performer
"It's R Time (Lenky Remix)" - Jeannie Ortega
Mark Isham: Performer
"When the Ship Goes Down" - Cypress Hill
Mark Isham: Performer
"Hip Hop Hooray" - Naughty By Nature
Mark Isham: Performer
"Keep Ya Head Up" - 2 Pac
Mark Isham: Performer
"Code of the Streets" - Gang Starr
Mark Isham: Performer
"Rebirth Of Slick (Cool Like Dat)" - Digable Planets
Mark Isham: Performer
"Officer" - The Pharcyde
Mark Isham: Performer
"This Is How We Do It" - Montell Jordan
Mark Isham: Performer
"Colors" - will.i.am
Mark Isham: Performer
"Bus Ride" - will.i.am
Mark Isham: Performer
"Riots" - Mark Isham and will.i.am feat. Miri Ben-Ari
Mark Isham: Performer
"Eva's Theme" - Mark Isham
Mark Isham: Performer
"Anne Frank" - Mark Isham feat. Miri Ben-Ari
Mark Isham: Performer
Marguerite et Margot
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
L'oncle Michel
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
La malle magique
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
La chambre inconnue
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Le vol de l'auto
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Le cimetière militaire
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Les éoliennes
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Cachés dans les moutons
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
La poursuite et la grotte
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Marguerite et Nathan
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Réveil dans la forêt
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Margot et Louis
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Le temps des Marguerite
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
La course vers la maison
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Le monument aux morts
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
L'échappée en avion
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Madame Connor
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Les éoliennes (Reprise)
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Main Title
Bruce Broughton: Performer
The Hit
Bruce Broughton: Performer
The Confessional
Bruce Broughton: Performer
The Taxi
Bruce Broughton: Performer
The Elevator
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Rooftop Chase
Bruce Broughton: Performer
The Shower
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Angela and Michael
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Michael the Priest
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Dream Lovers
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Zena's Confession
Bruce Broughton: Performer
The Restaurant
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Nuzo's Death
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Into Mexico
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Angela Splits
Bruce Broughton: Performer
The Decision
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Our Lady of the Cars
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Luis De La Vega
Bruce Broughton: Performer
I Love You, Angela
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Vaya Con Dios
Bruce Broughton: Performer
End Credits
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Harry And The Hendersons
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Last Rites
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Homeward Bound
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Rescuers Down Under
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Night Ride Home
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Betsy's Wedding
Bruce Broughton: Performer
The Presidio
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Trail Mix-Up
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Ellen's Energy Crisis
Bruce Broughton: Performer
For Love Or Money
Bruce Broughton: Performer
So I Married An Axe Murderer
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Narrow Margin
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Shadow Conspiracy
Bruce Broughton: Performer
True Women (Main Theme)
Bruce Broughton: Performer
True Women (Georgia's Theme)
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Young Sherlock Holmes
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Disc Time:
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Tiny Toon Adventures (Vocal)
Bruce Broughton: Performer
The First Olympics: Athens 1896
Bruce Broughton: Performer
O Pioneers!
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Honey, I Blew Up The Kid
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Cross My Heart
Bruce Broughton: Performer
The Rescue
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Baby's Day Out
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Square Dance
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Lost In Space
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Miracle On 34th Street
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Thème d'amour
Francois Lietout: Performer
Adrienne de Lenverpré
Francois Lietout: Performer
Les hommes
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Le sauvetage
Francois Lietout: Performer
Souvenir de l'incendie
Francois Lietout: Performer
L'appartement vide
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Torches humaines
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323 "Ode for Queen Mary's Birthday": Come, Ye Sons of Art (Ronan Maillard, Marie
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Lakmé: Duo des fleurs. "Sous le dôme épais" (Ronan Maillard, Sarah Bloch & Fanny Croue
Ronan Maillard: Performer
La flûte enchantée, K. 620: Air. "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" (Ronan Maillard &a
Ronan Maillard: Performer
La photo de Madelbos
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Des fleurs pour Marguerite
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Rencontre à la rédaction
Ronan Maillard: Performer
La Marseillaise (Virginie Gattino & Delphine Dussaux)
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Sortie du poste de police
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Le tribunal
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Le clavier bien tempéré, Livre I: No. 4, Prélude et fugue in C-Sharp Minor, BWV 849 (Fréd&ea
Ronan Maillard: Performer
3 chansons de la petite sirène: No. 2, Berceuse de la sirène (Ronan Maillard, Sarah Bloch & Delphine D
Ronan Maillard: Performer
2 hommages à Pagliacci
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Sortie du théâtre
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Les noces de Figaro, K. 492: Air. "Voi che sapete" (Arr. for Voice and Piano) (Ronan Maillard, Virginie Gattin
Ronan Maillard: Performer
3 chansons de la petite sirène: No. 3, Chanson de la poire (Sarah Bloch & Delphine Dussaux)
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Carmen: Habanera. "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle" (Arr. for Voice and Piano) (Virginie Gattino & Delphine
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Norma: Air. "Casta diva" (Ronan Maillard & Virginie Gattino)
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Attendre que Marguerite se réveille
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Toccata et fugue in D Minor, BWV 565: Fugue (Transcr. by Leopold Stokowski)
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Hommage à Mozart : Atos chez Marguerite
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Oh My Love (The Artwoods)
Yuksek: Performer
Yuksek: Performer
My Love
Yuksek: Performer
Ce jeu
Yuksek: Performer
Yuksek: Performer
Yuksek: Performer
Yuksek: Performer
Yuksek: Performer
Past, Present and Future (The Shangri-las)
Yuksek: Performer
To Love
Yuksek: Performer
Yuksek: Performer
Les possibles
Yuksek: Performer
Yuksek: Performer
Yuksek: Performer
Matt Russell: Performer
Mean Spirited (Main Theme)
Matt Russell: Performer
Matt Russell: Performer
Matt Russell: Performer
Inside Hotel Hell
Matt Russell: Performer
Blood Bath
Matt Russell: Performer
Matt Russell: Performer
Matt Russell: Performer
Outside Hotel Hell
Matt Russell: Performer
Anyone There?
Matt Russell: Performer
Matt Russell: Performer
Boat Ride
Matt Russell: Performer
Lens Break
Matt Russell: Performer
Matt Russell: Performer
Matt Russell: Performer
My Favorite Martian Medley
John Debney: Performer
Uncle Martin Appears
John Debney: Performer
Tim Comes Home, Martin Sneaks In
John Debney: Performer
Operation Deadhead
John Debney: Performer
Tim Fights Zoot
John Debney: Performer
What's A Lizzie
John Debney: Performer
Lizzie Kiss, SETI Operation
John Debney: Performer
Spaceship Crash Landing
John Debney: Performer
The Ship Expands
John Debney: Performer
Followed on the Pier
John Debney: Performer
Mrs. Brown
John Debney: Performer
Martin & Tim, Brace Discovery
John Debney: Performer
Zoot in Love
John Debney: Performer
Zipper Trouble
John Debney: Performer
Lizzie & Tim Kiss
John Debney: Performer
Martian Depression
John Debney: Performer
Zoot Reacts
John Debney: Performer
Dr. Coleye's Plan
John Debney: Performer
Tim and Lizzie
John Debney: Performer
Lizzie Reduced
John Debney: Performer
Martin Becomes Brace
John Debney: Performer
The Newscast
John Debney: Performer
Mrs. Brown Takes The Ship
John Debney: Performer
Into the Sewer
John Debney: Performer
Sewer Chase
John Debney: Performer
Toilet Trouble
John Debney: Performer
Kiss From A Martian
John Debney: Performer
Martian Gets A Dart
John Debney: Performer
Captures & Analyzed
John Debney: Performer
Lizzie Transforms
John Debney: Performer
Martian Resurrected
John Debney: Performer
Escape, Saying Goodbye
John Debney: Performer
The Original Martian, Coleye Gets It
John Debney: Performer
Uncle Martin Returns
John Debney: Performer
Martian Mambo
John Debney: Performer
Main Titles (Beetlejuice)
Danny Elfman: Performer
Travel Music
Danny Elfman: Performer
The Book! / Obituaries
Danny Elfman: Performer
Enter ... "The Family" / Sand Worm Planet
Danny Elfman: Performer
The Fly
Danny Elfman: Performer
Lydia Discovers?
Danny Elfman: Performer
In the Model
Danny Elfman: Performer
Juno's Theme
Danny Elfman: Performer
Danny Elfman: Performer
Danny Elfman: Performer
The Flier / Lydia's Pep Talk
Danny Elfman: Performer
Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)
Danny Elfman: Performer
The Incantation
Danny Elfman: Performer
Lydia Strikes a Bargain...
Danny Elfman: Performer
Danny Elfman: Performer
Danny Elfman: Performer
The Wedding
Danny Elfman: Performer
The Aftermath
Danny Elfman: Performer
End Credits/Beetlejuice
Danny Elfman: Performer
Jump In the Line (Shake, Shake Señora) (Harry Belafonte & The Original Trinidad Steel Band)
Danny Elfman: Performer
Carter Burwell: Performer
Norville Suite
Carter Burwell: Performer
Waring's Descent
Carter Burwell: Performer
The Hud Sleeps
Carter Burwell: Performer
Light Lunch
Carter Burwell: Performer
The Wheel Turns
Carter Burwell: Performer
The Hula Hoop
Carter Burwell: Performer
Carter Burwell: Performer
Walk of Shame
Carter Burwell: Performer
Blue Letter
Carter Burwell: Performer
A Long Way Down
Carter Burwell: Performer
The Chase
Carter Burwell: Performer
Norville's End
Carter Burwell: Performer
Carter Burwell: Performer
Norville's Reprise
Carter Burwell: Performer
Opening Titles
George Greeley: Performer
A Loaf of Bread, a Jug of Wine, and Peaches
George Greeley: Performer
Raffles No. 2
George Greeley: Performer
The Party (source)
George Greeley: Performer
Rocket to Mars
George Greeley: Performer
Going, Going, Gone
George Greeley: Performer
My Nephew the Artist
George Greeley: Performer
Uncle Martin's Broad Cast
George Greeley: Performer
Hitch-Hike to Mars
George Greeley: Performer
An Old, Old Friend of the Family
George Greeley: Performer
Unitentified Flying Uncle Martin
George Greeley: Performer
Danger! High Voltage
George Greeley: Performer
If You Can't Lick 'Em
George Greeley: Performer
Oh, My Aching Antenna
George Greeley: Performer
The Disatro-Nauts
George Greeley: Performer
Shake Well and Don't Use
George Greeley: Performer
Nothing But the Truth
George Greeley: Performer
The Night Life of Uncle Martin
George Greeley: Performer
Martian Report #1
George Greeley: Performer
Won't You Come Home Uncle Martin, Won't You Come Home
George Greeley: Performer
We Love You, Miss Pringle
George Greeley: Performer
066 3/4
George Greeley: Performer
End Titles
George Greeley: Performer
Victor Young: Performer
Service Club Juke Box 1
Victor Young: Performer
Victor Young: Performer
Red Cross Juke Box 2 “The Nearness of You” (Hoagy Carmichael and Ned Washington)
Victor Young: Performer
Red Cross Juke Box 3 “Lovable Sort of Person” (Victor Young and Frank Loesser)
Victor Young: Performer
A Friend at Sea°
Victor Young: Performer
Little Sam / Christmas Party
Victor Young: Performer
Attempted Murder
Victor Young: Performer
Casualty Montage
Victor Young: Performer
End Title°
Victor Young: Performer
Victor Young: Performer
Sardi's 1
Victor Young: Performer
Bea's Apartment*
Victor Young: Performer
Sardi's 3 (“Just for Today”)
Victor Young: Performer
Sardi's 4 (“Poochie”)
Victor Young: Performer
A Siamese Kitten**
Victor Young: Performer
Opening Night*
Victor Young: Performer
The Pep Talk*
Victor Young: Performer
“Stella by Starlight” (Victor Young and Ned Washington)
Victor Young: Performer
First Fox Trot (“My Ideal”) (Leo Robin, Richard A. Whiting and Newell Chase)
Victor Young: Performer
Bea Confesses*
Victor Young: Performer
Victor Young: Performer
Victor Young: Performer
Dunkirk Montage
Victor Young: Performer
The Silent Radio / Lisa's Death / Another Lead–Part 1
Victor Young: Performer
Another Lead Part 2 / Following the Lead†† / The Orphanage
Victor Young: Performer
The Boy††
Victor Young: Performer
Piece of Evidence†† †††
Victor Young: Performer
Intro to “Cela m'est égal”
Victor Young: Performer
Trip to Paris††† / If It's All the Same to You (Johnny Burke and James Van Heusen) / Bridge to Paris††† / Paris Wonderla
Victor Young: Performer
Another Disappointment††† ††††
Victor Young: Performer
The Magic Window (Johnny Burke and James Van Heusen)
Victor Young: Performer
The Laundress Revisited†† / The Little Boy Lied
Victor Young: Performer
Nellie's Idea†† / Another Puppy Love††
Victor Young: Performer
Farewell Montfort†††
Victor Young: Performer
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323 "Ode for Queen Mary's Birthday": Come, Ye Sons of Art (Ronan Maillard, Marie
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Lakmé: Duo des fleurs. "Sous le dôme épais" (Ronan Maillard, Sarah Bloch & Fanny Croue
Ronan Maillard: Performer
La flûte enchantée, K. 620: Air. "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" (Ronan Maillard &a
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Le clavier bien tempéré, Livre I: No. 4, Prélude et fugue in C-Sharp Minor, BWV 849 (Fréd&ea
Ronan Maillard: Performer
3 chansons de la petite sirène: No. 2, Berceuse de la sirène (Ronan Maillard, Sarah Bloch & Delphine D
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Les noces de Figaro, K. 492: Air. "Voi che sapete" (Arr. for Voice and Piano) (Ronan Maillard, Virginie Gattin
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Carmen: Habanera. "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle" (Arr. for Voice and Piano) (Virginie Gattino & Delphine
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Trip to Paris††† / If It's All the Same to You (Johnny Burke and James Van Heusen) / Bridge to Paris††† / Paris Wonderla
Victor Young: Performer
Return of Binkie / End Title†
Victor Young: Performer
Victor Young: Performer
Lily Dalbray•
Victor Young: Performer
Intro to Comedy Camel / The Comical Camel
Victor Young: Performer
The Fire Part 2••
Victor Young: Performer
Music Jewel / Finale
Victor Young: Performer
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Train to Moscow
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Mom, Dad and Grandpa
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Courland Pocket
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Grandfather's Funeral
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Ilga's Theme
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Tema Principal
David Mansfield: Performer
Es Viernes
David Mansfield: Performer
Don Sabas
David Mansfield: Performer
Conversación Con Un Gallo
David Mansfield: Performer
David Mansfield: Performer
Reloj Cucú
David Mansfield: Performer
Peinando El Cabello De Lola
David Mansfield: Performer
David Mansfield: Performer
El Regalo De Julia
David Mansfield: Performer
Vendiendo El Reloj
David Mansfield: Performer
Zapatos Nuevos
David Mansfield: Performer
Fábrica De Tabaco
David Mansfield: Performer
Lola Y El Padre
David Mansfield: Performer
Sin Título
David Mansfield: Performer
David Mansfield: Performer
Tema Final
David Mansfield: Performer
El Evangelio De Las Maravillas: Main Title
David Mansfield: Performer
El Evangelio De Las Maravillas: Dominoes
David Mansfield: Performer
El Evangelio De Las Maravillas: End Credits Parte 2
David Mansfield: Performer
Scène sentimentale (Version remasterisée)
Paul Misraki: Performer
Strip-tease (Version remasterisée)
Paul Misraki: Performer
Y'a pas trois Moyens (Version remasterisée) (Paul Misraki, Suzy Delair & Raymond Legrand)
Paul Misraki: Performer
Rites of Spring
Holly Amber Church: Performer
The Graveyard
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Abduction and Kidnapping
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Are You Clean?
Holly Amber Church: Performer
It Likes To Take Their Heads
Holly Amber Church: Performer
I Never Wanted This For You
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Blood for the Creature
Holly Amber Church: Performer
I'm Taking Your Daughter
Holly Amber Church: Performer
The Washing
Holly Amber Church: Performer
School Standoff
Holly Amber Church: Performer
The Prayer
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Entering the Silo
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Holly Amber Church: Performer
The Cow God
Holly Amber Church: Performer
The Hallway
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Close Call
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Paul Nolan
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Out of the School and Into the Night
Holly Amber Church: Performer
The Secret Lair
Holly Amber Church: Performer
We Should Go
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Crosses and Windshields
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Gas Station Assault
Holly Amber Church: Performer
The Graveyard Shift
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Spirited, LTD.
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Post It
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Sleigh It Ain't So
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Elf Aware
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Fa La La Lasting Impression
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Sugar and Spicy
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Snow Place Like Home
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Snow Balls in Your Court
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Christmassive Problem
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Up to Snow Good
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Huge Dickens
Dominic Lewis: Performer
We Wish You A Merry Christmas/Candy Cornucopia
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Tweets Are Tweeting
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Hospital on the Holidays
Dominic Lewis: Performer
The Question
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Shower Power
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Tinsel Talk
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Elegie to Energy
Dominic Lewis: Performer
North Pole
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Race to Wren
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Didn't Post It
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Dominic Lewis: Performer
I'm Proud of You
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Captain Clint
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Dominic Lewis: Performer
That Christmas Morning Feelin' (Will Ferrell, Patrick Page, Sunita Mani, Tracy Morgan & The Spirited Ensemble)
Benj Pasek: Performer
Present's Lament (Will Ferrell)
Benj Pasek: Performer
Bringin' Back Christmas (Ryan Reynolds & The Spirited Ensemble)
Benj Pasek: Performer
The View From Here (Octavia Spencer)
Benj Pasek: Performer
The Story of Your Life (Marley's Haunt) (Patrick Page & Ryan Reynolds)
Benj Pasek: Performer
Good Afternoon (Ryan Reynolds, Will Ferrell & The Spirited Ensemble)
Benj Pasek: Performer
The Story of Your Life (Clint's Pitch) (Ryan Reynolds & Will Ferrell)
Benj Pasek: Performer
Unredeemable (Will Ferrell & The Spirited Ensemble)
Benj Pasek: Performer
The View From Here (Riverwalk) (Octavia Spencer & Will Ferrell)
Benj Pasek: Performer
Do A Little Good (Ryan Reynolds, Will Ferrell, Patrick Page, Sunita Mani & Tracy Morgan)
Benj Pasek: Performer
That Christmas Morning Feelin' (Curtain Call) (Ryan Reynolds, Will Ferrell, Octavia Spencer, Tracy Morgan, Patrick Page,
Benj Pasek: Performer
Ripple (Cut Song) (Will Ferrell, Sunita Mani, Tracy Morgan, Patrick Page & The Spirited Ensemble)
Benj Pasek: Performer
One Summer's Day
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
A Road to Somewhere
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
The Empty Restaurant
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Nighttime Coming
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
The Dragon Boy
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Procession of Gods
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Bathhouse Morning
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Day of the River
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
It's Hard Work
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
The Stink God
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Sen's Courage
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
The Bottomless Pit
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Kaonashi (No Face)
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
The Sixth Station
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Yubaba's Panic
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
The House at Swamp Bottom
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
The Return
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Always With Me (Yumi Kimura)
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
An Deiner Seite (Laila Marie Noëlle Padotzke, Hedda Erlebach, Lilith Julie Johna & Leonore von Berg)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Rocken das Haus (Laila Marie Noëlle Padotzke, Hedda Erlebach, Lilith Julie Johna & Leonore von Berg)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
1000 Scherben (Laila Marie Noëlle Padotzke & Hedda Erlebach)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Riesengroß (Laila Marie Noëlle Padotzke, Hedda Erlebach, Lilith Julie Johna & Leonore von Berg)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
All 4 One (Laila Marie Noëlle Padotzke, Hedda Erlebach, Lilith Julie Johna & Leonore von Berg)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Between the Lies (Linus Bruhn)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Our City (Linus Bruhn)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Opening (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
The Secret Chamber (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Glenda (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Mrs Duggery (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Sisters (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Arrival (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Magic (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Puzzle (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Chosen One (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Spying (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
The Library (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Quinn (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Hunter's House (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Weakness (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
The Rose (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Talent (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Four (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Mine (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Together (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Finale (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Primo anime (Ouverture la gazza ladra)
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Secondo anime (Il paese fantasma)
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Roma burocratica
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Tempo instabile con probabili schiarite
Francesco De Luca: Performer
La maga Circe
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Silver Solo
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Terzo anime (L'indovino)
Francesco De Luca: Performer
La bicicletta in giardino
Francesco De Luca: Performer
La fossa nel cortile
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Quarto anime (Il lago)
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Le pietre fanno male
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Quinto anime (Il mondo al contrario)
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Sfida a Sant'Ugo
Francesco De Luca: Performer
I sogni della cooperativa Fau
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Sesto anime (Scontro sui divani)
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Non sei nessuno
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Disegni sui divani
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Settimo anime (Oca marena)
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Il tempo passa
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Novantanove percento
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Ottavo anime (Taglia la testa a Kobo)
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Le fils préféré (Photos de famille)
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Ballade du souvenir
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Jean-Paul et Anna Maria
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Trois frères
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Le contrat
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Le silence de Raphaël
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Un boxeur
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Philippe Sarde: Performer
À la recherche du père
Philippe Sarde: Performer
La révélation
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Le fils préféré
Philippe Sarde: Performer
LE FILS PRÉFÉRÉ: Photos de famille
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Philippe Sarde: Performer
À la gare
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Le mariage
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Pierre et Claire
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Premier baiser
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Vespa della notte
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Une rencontre
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Un phare au large
Philippe Sarde: Performer
The Ghost Writer
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Rhinehart Publishing
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Travel To The Island
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Lang's Memoirs
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Chase on the Ferry
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Hidden Documents
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
The Old Man
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
In The Woods
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
The Predecessor
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Pr Paul Emmett
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Bicycle Ride
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Lang And The CIA
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
The Truth About Ruth
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
The Ghost Writer (Reprise)
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Ted, Audrey And The Trees - Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (John Powell)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Candy Factory - Hop (Christopher Lennertz)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Rickshaw Chase - Kung Fu Panda 2 (Hans Zimmer and John Powell)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Dolphin Dance - Dolphin Tale (Mark Isham)
Nathan Barr: Performer
National News - Big Miracle (Cliff Eidelman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Nim's Island - Nim's Island (Patrick Doyle)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Calling The Guardians - Rise of the Guardians (Alexandre Desplat)
Nathan Barr: Performer
This Is Berk - How To Train Your Dragon (John Powell)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Flying - Rio (John Powell)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Horton Suite - Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears A Who! (John Powell)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Theme - Astro Boy (John Ottman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Let Us Drink Milk - Speed Racer (Michael Giacchino)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Final Round - Real Steel (Danny Elfman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Flying A Tank - The A-Team (Alan Silvestri)
Nathan Barr: Performer
A Man, A Plan, A Code, Dubai - Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (Michael Giacchino)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Largo Winch (Alexandre Desplat)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Fast Five (Brian Tyler)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Bull Run - Knight and Day (John Powell)
Nathan Barr: Performer
End Credits - G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra (Alan Silvestri)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Enterprising Young Men - Star Trek (Michael Giacchino)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Introducing Amelia - Amelia (Gabriel Yared)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Honored Colleague - Charlie Wilson's War (James Newton Howard)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Japan - Hachi (Jan A.P. Kaczmarek)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Ain't You Tired (End Title) - The Help (Thomas Newman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
End Credits - The Bucket List (Marc Shaiman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Anna's Theme - Leap Year (Randy Edelman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Main Title - The Tudors - Season 3 (Trevor Morris)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Bel Ami (Rachel Portman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Main TItle - Parade's End (Dirk Brossé)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Isabel The Strong - Your Highness (Steve Jablonsky, Performed by Lisbeth Scott)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Opening Titles - Albert Nobbs (Brian Byrne)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Little Edie On Chair - Grey Gardens (Rachel Portman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Opening Credits - Another Year (Gary Yershon)
Nathan Barr: Performer
La Fille Du Puisatier (Alexandre Desplat)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Romanze - The Last Station (Sergey Yevtushenko)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Love Theme - Spartacus (Alex North, Performed by Dave Grusin)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Overture - The Visitor (Jan A.P. Kaczmarek)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Running In The Sand - La Ligne Droite (Patrick Doyle)
Nathan Barr: Performer
S.O.P. Theme #1 - Standard Operating Procedure (Danny Elfman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Columbus Circle (Brian Tyler)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Back Home - Flash Of Genius (Aaron Zigman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Opening Titles - Mildred Pierce (Carter Burwell)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Legend and Main Title - Fool's Gold (George Fenton)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Espiritu Esa Ala - Sanctum (David Hirschfelder)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Maruge Digs - The First Grader (Alex Heffes)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Main Title - The Stoning Of Soraya M. (John Debney)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Horizon To Horizon - Black Gold (James Horner)
Nathan Barr: Performer
When The Heart Dies - In The Land Of Blood And Honey (Gabriel Yared, Performed by Nataša Mirkovi´c - De Ro)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Love & War Finale - There Be Dragons: Secretos De Pasión (Robert Folk)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Suite For Symphony Orchestra, Choir and Piano Soloist - Oscar: The Color of Destiny (Diego Navarro)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Entre La Luz Y El Pecado - For Greater Glory (James Horner, Performed by Clara Sanabras)
Nathan Barr: Performer
They'll Remember You - Valkyrie (John Ottman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
The Mission - The Sum Of All Fears (Jerry Goldsmith, Performed by Cristina Farrais, Mark Snow, Tenerife Film Orchestra)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Wolf Suite (Part 1) - The Wolfman (Danny Elfman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Dream House (John Debney)
Nathan Barr: Performer
End Credits - Let Me In (Michael Giacchino)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Evacuation - I Am Legend (James Newton Howard)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Main Titles - Never Let Me Go (Rachel Portman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Eva - Igor (Patrick Doyle)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Love Theme - True Blood (Nathan Barr)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Opening Titles - John Carpenter's The Ward (Mark Kilian)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Fright Night (Ramin Djawadi)
Nathan Barr: Performer
The Ghost Writer (Alexandre Desplat)
Nathan Barr: Performer
The Banking Crisis (Main Titles) - Too Big To Fail (Marcelo Zarvos)
Nathan Barr: Performer
The Ides Of March (Alexandre Desplat)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Watergate - Frost / Nixon (Hans Zimmer)
Nathan Barr: Performer
End Title - Brake (Brian Tyler)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Main Titles - Camelot (Mychael and Jeff Danna)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Main Titles - The Borgias (Trevor Morris)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Main Title - Game of Thrones - Season 2 (Ramin Djawadi)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Golden Gate Bridge - Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Patrick Doyle)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Hopper - Battleship (Steve Jablonsky)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Babylon Requiem - Babylon A.D. (Atli Örvarsson)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Battle: Los Angeles (Brian Tyler)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Jake Lonergan - Cowboys & Aliens (Harry Gregson-Williams)
Nathan Barr: Performer
End Title - Eagle Eye (Brian Tyler)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Racing - Charlie St. Cloud (Rolfe Kent)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Redemption and Rebirth - A Thousand Words (John Debney)
Nathan Barr: Performer
The Drive To Immaculata (Main Title) - The Mighty Macs (William Ross)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Trouble With The Curve (Marco Beltrami)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Gig Catches / Taking The Lead - Touchback (William Ross)
Nathan Barr: Performer
A Liverpool Anthem – You'll Never Walk Alone - Will (Nigel Clarke & Michael Csányi-Wills)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Letting Go - Super 8 (Michael Giacchino)
Nathan Barr: Performer
A Call To Adventure (Theme from Mummy 3) - The Mummy 3: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (Randy Edelman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Maggie and Jake
James Schafer: Performer
The First Letter
James Schafer: Performer
A Late Night at Work
James Schafer: Performer
The Bus Ride Home
James Schafer: Performer
Following the Letter
James Schafer: Performer
Day with Sam
James Schafer: Performer
Lunch with Dad
James Schafer: Performer
Michael's Theme
James Schafer: Performer
Breaking Up
James Schafer: Performer
Can You Teach Me?
James Schafer: Performer
How Sam Got Started
James Schafer: Performer
Dad Says Goodbye
James Schafer: Performer
Sam in the Hospital
James Schafer: Performer
Apple Pie
James Schafer: Performer
Sam Passes Away
James Schafer: Performer
Maggie's Gift
James Schafer: Performer
James Schafer: Performer
I'm Not Giving Up On You
James Schafer: Performer
Preparing for the Performance
James Schafer: Performer
James Schafer: Performer
God's Fingernail
Alex Heffes: Performer
Angeline's Story
Alex Heffes: Performer
Somebody's Daddy
Danny Darst: Performer
"It's R Time (Lenky Remix)" - Jeannie Ortega
Mark Isham: Performer
"Eva's Theme" - Mark Isham
Mark Isham: Performer
L'oncle Michel
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Le vol de l'auto
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
L'échappée en avion
Jérôme Rebotier: Performer
Zena's Confession
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Nuzo's Death
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Betsy's Wedding
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Ellen's Energy Crisis
Bruce Broughton: Performer
True Women (Georgia's Theme)
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Baby's Day Out
Bruce Broughton: Performer
Thème d'amour
Francois Lietout: Performer
Francois Lietout: Performer
Souvenir de l'incendie
Francois Lietout: Performer
L'appartement vide
Francois Lietout: Performer
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323 "Ode for Queen Mary's Birthday": Come, Ye Sons of Art (Ronan Maillard,
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Lakmé: Duo des fleurs. "Sous le dôme épais" (Ronan Maillard, Sarah Bloch & Fanny Croue
Ronan Maillard: Performer
La flûte enchantée, K. 620: Air. "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen" (Ronan Maillard &a
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Le clavier bien tempéré, Livre I: No. 4, Prélude et fugue in C-Sharp Minor, BWV 849 (Fréd&ea
Ronan Maillard: Performer
3 chansons de la petite sirène: No. 2, Berceuse de la sirène (Ronan Maillard, Sarah Bloch & Delphine D
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Les noces de Figaro, K. 492: Air. "Voi che sapete" (Arr. for Voice and Piano) (Ronan Maillard, Virginie Gattin
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Carmen: Habanera. "L'amour est un oiseau rebelle" (Arr. for Voice and Piano) (Virginie Gattino & Delp
Ronan Maillard: Performer
Yuksek: Performer
Yuksek: Performer
What's A Lizzie
John Debney: Performer
Dr. Coleye's Plan
John Debney: Performer
Juno's Theme
Danny Elfman: Performer
The Flier / Lydia's Pep Talk
Danny Elfman: Performer
Waring's Descent
Carter Burwell: Performer
Norville's End
Carter Burwell: Performer
Norville's Reprise
Carter Burwell: Performer
Uncle Martin's Broad Cast
George Greeley: Performer
If You Can't Lick 'Em
George Greeley: Performer
Shake Well and Don't Use
George Greeley: Performer
Won't You Come Home Uncle Martin, Won't You Come Home
George Greeley: Performer
Sardi's 1
Victor Young: Performer
Bea's Apartment*
Victor Young: Performer
Sardi's 3 (“Just for Today”)
Victor Young: Performer
Sardi's 4 (“Poochie”)
Victor Young: Performer
The Silent Radio / Lisa's Death / Another Lead–Part 1
Victor Young: Performer
Intro to “Cela m'est égal”
Victor Young: Performer
Trip to Paris††† / If It's All the Same to You (Johnny Burke and James Van Heusen) / Bridge to Paris††† / Paris Won
Victor Young: Performer
Nellie's Idea†† / Another Puppy Love††
Victor Young: Performer
Grandfather's Funeral
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Ilga's Theme
Karlis Auzans: Performer
Y'a pas trois Moyens (Version remasterisée) (Paul Misraki, Suzy Delair & Raymond Legrand)
Paul Misraki: Performer
I'm Taking Your Daughter
Holly Amber Church: Performer
Sleigh It Ain't So
Dominic Lewis: Performer
Didn't Post It
Dominic Lewis: Performer
I'm Proud of You
Dominic Lewis: Performer
That Christmas Morning Feelin' (Will Ferrell, Patrick Page, Sunita Mani, Tracy Morgan & The Spirited Ensemble)
Benj Pasek: Performer
Present's Lament (Will Ferrell)
Benj Pasek: Performer
Bringin' Back Christmas (Ryan Reynolds & The Spirited Ensemble)
Benj Pasek: Performer
The Story of Your Life (Marley's Haunt) (Patrick Page & Ryan Reynolds)
Benj Pasek: Performer
The Story of Your Life (Clint's Pitch) (Ryan Reynolds & Will Ferrell)
Benj Pasek: Performer
That Christmas Morning Feelin' (Curtain Call) (Ryan Reynolds, Will Ferrell, Octavia Spencer, Tracy Morgan, Patrick
Benj Pasek: Performer
One Summer's Day
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
It's Hard Work
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Sen's Courage
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Yubaba's Panic
Joe Hisaishi: Performer
Hunter's House (Anne-Kathrin Dern)
Anne-Kathrin Dern: Performer
Terzo anime (L'indovino)
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Sfida a Sant'Ugo
Francesco De Luca: Performer
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Philippe Sarde: Performer
Lang's Memoirs
Alexandre Desplat: Performer
Ted, Audrey And The Trees - Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (John Powell)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Nim's Island - Nim's Island (Patrick Doyle)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Horton Suite - Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears A Who! (John Powell)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Honored Colleague - Charlie Wilson's War (James Newton Howard)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Ain't You Tired (End Title) - The Help (Thomas Newman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Anna's Theme - Leap Year (Randy Edelman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Main TItle - Parade's End (Dirk Brossé)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Legend and Main Title - Fool's Gold (George Fenton)
Nathan Barr: Performer
They'll Remember You - Valkyrie (John Ottman)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Opening Titles - John Carpenter's The Ward (Mark Kilian)
Nathan Barr: Performer
A Liverpool Anthem – You'll Never Walk Alone - Will (Nigel Clarke & Michael Csányi-Wills)
Nathan Barr: Performer
Michael's Theme
James Schafer: Performer
Maggie's Gift
James Schafer: Performer
I'm Not Giving Up On You
James Schafer: Performer

Críticas de usuários

António Almeida

A banda sonora de O Ritual não conseguiu transmitir a tensão e o terror necessários para intensificar as cenas de exorcismo. As músicas pareciam genéricas e não complementavam adequadamente a atmosfera sombria do filme.

Sara Almeida

Por outro lado, algumas faixas da banda sonora podem parecer um pouco genéricas e previsíveis, não contribuindo significativamente para a experiência emocional do filme. Em certos momentos, a trilha sonora poderia ter sido mais ousada e inovadora, buscando impactar de forma mais profunda a audiência e criar uma conexão mais forte com as emoções dos personagens.

Maria Nunes

A banda sonora de O Ritual é um componente essencial do filme, enriquecendo a experiência cinematográfica e elevando a narrativa a um nível mais profundo e envolvente.

Ana Maria Almeida

A trilha sonora é diversificada, alternando entre momentos de calma e tensão, contribuindo para a construção da atmosfera sombria do filme.

Rosa Fernandes

A banda sonora de O Ritual consegue criar uma atmosfera sombria e misteriosa que complementa perfeitamente a narrativa do filme. As músicas escolhidas são arrepiantes e intensificam a tensão em momentos cruciais da trama, aumentando a imersão do espectador na história.

António Pereira

A música se torna um elemento narrativo fundamental, guiando o espectador através das transformações emocionais e espirituais de Michael Kovak.

Joaquim Guerreiro

Além disso, a trilha sonora não conseguiu criar uma conexão emocional com os personagens, falhando em transmitir a luta interna de Michael Kovak e sua jornada de autoconhecimento. As músicas não conseguiram capturar a complexidade das emoções dos protagonistas, deixando as cenas mais marcantes do filme sem o impacto desejado.

Pedro Dias

Além disso, a escolha das músicas complementa de forma brilhante as cenas de exorcismo, criando um clima de suspense e terror que prende a atenção do público do início ao fim. A banda sonora de O Ritual sem dúvida contribui significativamente para a imersão e impacto emocional do filme.

Susana Araújo

Os arranjos musicais são tão envolventes que conseguem transmitir a angústia e a luta interna do protagonista, Michael Kovak, enquanto ele enfrenta seus demônios pessoais e suas dúvidas religiosas. A trilha sonora é realmente cativante e ajuda a construir a atmosfera sombria do enredo.

Jorge Rocha

Os temas musicais são memoráveis e evocativos, permanecendo na mente do espectador muito tempo depois que o filme termina.

David Barbosa

A banda sonora de O Ritual é simplesmente incrível. Cada faixa musical consegue capturar perfeitamente a tensão e o suspense presentes no filme, intensificando a experiência do espectador.

Ana Maria Barbosa

A banda sonora de O Ritual é emocionante e intensa, adicionando uma camada de suspense e mistério à narrativa do filme.

Ana Maria Correia

A música acompanha perfeitamente as cenas de exorcismo, criando uma atmosfera assustadora e angustiante que mantém o espectador tenso.

Laura Moreira

A escolha de instrumentos e arranjos musicais é cuidadosamente pensada, acentuando as emoções e os desafios enfrentados pelos personagens.

José Luis Saraiva

Os temas musicais são habilmente compostos para refletir a jornada de Michael Kovak, desde sua falta de fé inicial até sua eventual luta contra as forças do mal.