10 bonnes raisons de te larguer Soundtrack (

10 bonnes raisons de te larguer Soundtrack (1999) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 387000 votes
Tags: protective father, shakespeare adaptation, high school shakespeare adaptation
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

10 razones para odiarte

Title in Italiano:

10 cose che odio di te

Title in Português:

10 Coisas Que Odeio em Ti


Adapted from William Shakespeare's play "The Taming of the Shrew," 10 Things I Hate About You starts off with Cameron, new student at Padua High, sitting in the office of the quirky guidance counselor Ms. Perky. He is then shown around the school by Michael, who will become his best friend. During his tour is when Cameron first sees Bianca Stratford, a beautiful sophomore with one problem: she isn't allowed to date. And neither is her "shrew" sister, Katarina, a senior who loves indie rock and feminist prose and hates conformity. But Kat and Bianca's father alters his house rule: now, Bianca can date... as long as Kat has a date, too. Now, in order for Cameron to date Bianca, he has to find someone to date Kat. So Michael helps him enlist the help of pretty-boy/jerk/model Joey Donner, tricking him into thinking that *he* will get to take Bianca out if he pays someone to take out Kat. His choice: Patrick Verona, a bad-boy with a mysterious reputation--some say he ate a live duck once, others that he lit a state trooper on fire, and even more claim that he had a brief porn career. Will Patrick win Kat's heart? Will Cameron win Bianca's? Or will everything hit the fan...?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
10 bonnes raisons de te larguer
One Week (Remix)
Ed Robertson: Writer
Barenaked Ladies: Performer
Bad Reputation
Joan Jett: Writer
Joan Jett: Performer
All My Life (Ignorants Remix)
Rory Bennett: Writer
K-Ci & Jojo: Performer
Spiderbait: Performer
Janet English: Writer
Sexy Boy
Nicolas Godin: Writer
Air: Performer
Get Em Outta Here
Steve Summers: Writer
Sprung Monkey: Performer
Greg McKenna: Writer
Ralph Sall: Produced
Letters to Cleo: Performer
Ralph Sall: Writer
Rondo Vivace. Piano Concerto #1
Greg McKenna: Writer
Ralph Sall: Produced
Letters to Cleo: Performer
Brick: Performer
Word Up
Larry Blackmon: Writer
Cameo: Performer
Atomic Dog
George Clinton: Writer
George Clinton: Performer
Push It
Hurby 'Luv Bug' Azor: Writer
Salt-N-Pepa: Performer
Just Be Good To Me
Terry Lewis: Writer
Hold Me Now
Cruel To Be Kind
Saturday Night
Can't Get Enough Of You Baby
Wings Of A Dove
The Weakness In Me
New World
Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Your Winter
I Know
Can't Stop
Even Angels Fall
I Want You To Want Me
One More Thing
One Week (Rock Remix)
Ed Robertson: Writer
Barenaked Ladies: Performer
Greg McKenna: Performer
Can't Get Enough Of You Baby
Denny Randell: Performer
Can't Take My Eyes Off You
Bob Crewe: Performer
Can't Stop
Brian Mashburn: Performer

User reviews

Brian Brown

The soundtrack of 10 Things I Hate About You perfectly captures the rebellious and alternative spirit of the main characters, especially Kat. The indie rock and feminist prose elements in the music truly enhance the storytelling and character development.

Joseph Jackson

The selection of songs in the soundtrack felt disconnected from the themes and mood of the movie. Instead of enhancing the characters' emotions and relationships, the music often seemed out of place and distracted me from the storyline.

George Williams

I found the soundtrack of 10 bonnes raisons de te larguer to be quite generic and uninspired. The music did not add any depth or emotion to the scenes, making it feel like background noise rather than a crucial part of the storytelling.

Thomas Garcia

The songs chosen for the soundtrack not only complement the storyline but also help to establish the personalities of the characters, adding depth to their development.

Melissa Turner

The soundtrack effectively enhances the comedic elements of the film, creating a fun and dynamic atmosphere that keeps the audience entertained throughout the story.

Amanda Lee

Overall, the music in 10 Things I Hate About You plays a significant role in bringing the characters and their relationships to life, making it a memorable and enjoyable aspect of the movie-watching experience.

Michael Baker

I was disappointed by the lack of originality in the soundtrack. It relied heavily on cliché pop songs that did not bring anything new or refreshing to the film. I believe a more innovative and thoughtfully curated soundtrack could have elevated the overall viewing experience.

Jennifer Perez

The musical choices in 10 Things I Hate About You showcase a thoughtful curation that adds depth and richness to the overall storytelling, making it a memorable aspect of the film.

James Brown

The soundtrack of 10 Things I Hate About You perfectly captures the rebellious and free-spirited essence of the film's characters, especially Kat's love for indie rock music.

Elizabeth Parker

The diverse selection of songs in the film not only sets the mood for each scene but also adds depth to the characters' emotions and experiences, making the viewing experience more engaging.

Ashley Hill

The incorporation of iconic tracks like I Want You to Want Me by Letters to Cleo and Can't Take My Eyes Off You by Heath Ledger showcases the clever and modern twist the film puts on classic themes.

John Nelson

The song choices in the film are not only nostalgic but also incredibly fitting for the scenes they accompany. Each track seems carefully selected to convey the emotions and tone of the moment, adding depth and resonance to the overall viewing experience.

Brian Adams

The use of music in the film enhances the emotions and tone of key scenes, creating a more immersive viewing experience for the audience.

Laura Roberts

The soundtrack successfully blends classic hits from the 90s with newer tracks, appealing to a wide range of viewers and adding nostalgia for those familiar with the era.

Joseph Martin

The soundtrack of 10 Things I Hate About You perfectly captures the rebellious and alternative spirit of the main character Kat with its selection of indie rock and feminist-inspired songs.

Elizabeth Taylor

Each song choice feels deliberate and thoughtfully curated, contributing to the overall charm and authenticity of the film's portrayal of teenage angst and romance.

Mark Jones

The soundtrack of 10 Things I Hate About You successfully blends modern and classic sounds, creating a timeless feel that resonates with audiences of all ages. The music enhances the film's themes of love, rebellion, and self-discovery, making it a memorable and essential component of the movie.