A Small Killing is a graphic novel written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Oscar Zarate. The story follows Timothy Hole, a successful advertising executive who is haunted by a childhood memory of killing a cat. As Timothy's guilt and paranoia grow, he begins to see the cat everywhere, leading him to question his sanity and confront his past.
The novel explores themes of guilt, regret, and the impact of childhood trauma on adult life. Through Timothy's journey, Moore and Zarate delve into the complexities of the human psyche and the ways in which our past experiences shape our present reality.
A Small Killing is a thought-provoking and introspective work that challenges readers to reflect on their own pasts and the ways in which unresolved emotions can manifest in unexpected ways. With its haunting imagery and psychological depth, this graphic novel is a powerful exploration of the darker corners of the human mind.
Play | Title | Artist |
A Small Killing
America The Beautiful
Green Onions - 45 Version
Finger Poppin' Time
Smokie, Pt. 2
The Lion Sleeps Tonight (Wimoweh)
This Magic Moment