Absolute Beginners Soundtrack (

Absolute Beginners Soundtrack (1986) cover

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Rating: 5.60/10 from 3700 votes
Tags: race riot, year 1958, kissing, foreplay, apology, british accent
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:


Title in Italiano:

Absolute Beginners

Title in Português:

Absolutamente Principiantes


Absolute Beginners

London 1958. It's the early era of rock and roll, where teenagers in particular are experiencing a sense of freedom of expression not afforded teenagers of the war and immediate post-war periods. Nineteen year old Colin is trying to find his place in life. He truly believes in equality for all, regardless of race, color, creed, sex or sexual orientation. He has nothing against money in and of itself, but doesn't like what one generally has to do to obtain money, or what money does to people. He loves Crepe Suzette. She in turn loves him, but is focusing on her career as an aspiring fashion designer instead of him. That focus is highlighted by her actions following a fashion show for her generally conservative boss, Henley of Mayfair. Colin drops his principles to do work for money to impress Suzette, that work as a photographer. Through this process of finding himself, Colin finds that he ends up being the public spirit of the London teenager. But that work takes him further and further from his own ideals, from which he may not be able to escape to find his way back to his true self and to Suzette.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Absolute Beginners
Santa Lucia
Ekow Abban: Performer
Landlords and Tenants
Laurel Aitken: Performer
Absolute Beginners
David Bowie: Performer
That's Motivation
David Bowie: Performer
Gil Evans: Brass arrangement
Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu)
David Bowie: Performer
Mitchell Parish: English lyrics
Domenico Modugno: Composer
Riot City
Jerry Dammers: Performer
Gil Evans: Brass arrangements
Quiet Life
Ray Davies: Performer
Having It All
Eighth Wonder: Performer
Patsy Kensit: Composer
Selling Out
Slim Gaillard: Performer
Tot Taylor: Composer
Rocking at the 21's
Willie Harris: Performer
Willie Harris: Composer
Bongo Rock
Preston Epps: Composer
Little Cat (You've never had it so good)
Nick Lowe: Composer
Jonas Hurst: Performer
Hey Little Schoolgirl
Rock Baby Rock
Killer Blow
So What (Lyric Version)
Have You Ever Had It Blue
Ted Ain't Ded
Rodrigo Bay
Boogie Stop Shuffle (The Rough and the Smooth)
Better Git It in Your Soul (The Hot and the Cool)
The Naked and the Dead
Switching It Off
Va Va Voom
Great Balls of Fire
Hancock's Half Hour (A Sunday afternoon at home)
Here Comes the Bride
My Mammy
Rock A Bye Baby
Sleepy Lagoon
Teddy Bears Picnic

User reviews

Brian Hernandez

The soundtrack successfully transports the listener back in time to the vibrant and dynamic world of 1950s London, creating a vivid sonic landscape for the film.

Andrew Scott

The variety of musical styles in the soundtrack, from rock and roll to jazz to pop, adds depth and richness to the overall listening experience.

Emily Walker

I found the soundtrack of Absolute Beginners to be quite underwhelming and uninspiring. The songs lacked depth and failed to capture the essence of the era and the themes explored in the film.

Lisa Carter

Overall, the music of Absolute Beginners is not just a background accompaniment, but a crucial element that enhances the narrative, characters, and overall atmosphere of the movie.

Linda Turner

The soundtrack of Absolute Beginners effectively captures the essence of the time period and the characters' personal struggles, immersing the audience in the world of the film.

Emily Jones

Overall, I was disappointed with the soundtrack of Absolute Beginners as it failed to leave a lasting impression or evoke any emotional response from me as a listener.

Patricia Smith

The songs in the soundtrack evoke a strong sense of nostalgia for a time of youth, freedom, and self-discovery, resonating with the themes of the film.

William Wilson

The soundtrack of Absolute Beginners perfectly captures the vibrant and rebellious spirit of London in 1958, transporting listeners to a time of youthful energy and artistic freedom.

Paul Roberts

Each song in the soundtrack feels carefully chosen to convey the characters' emotions and struggles, adding layers of complexity to the storytelling.

Margaret Rodriguez

The music in Absolute Beginners enhances the emotional depth of the story, especially Colin's journey of self-discovery and struggle to stay true to his beliefs.

Mary Thompson

Overall, the music in Absolute Beginners enhances the storytelling and helps to create a memorable and immersive cinematic experience, making it a crucial element of the film's success.

Stephanie Robinson

The songs in Absolute Beginners not only serve as background music, but also play a significant role in conveying the characters' emotions and motivations, adding layers of complexity to the narrative.

Stephanie Clark

The eclectic mix of rock and roll, jazz, and pop music in the soundtrack creates a dynamic and immersive listening experience that complements the film's narrative and characters, adding depth and emotion to the story.

Dorothy Robinson

The music felt disjointed and failed to create a cohesive atmosphere that would enhance the viewing experience. It seemed like a random collection of songs rather than a carefully curated soundtrack that complements the narrative.

William Wilson

The blend of different musical styles in the soundtrack reflects the diversity and energy of the characters and their surroundings in the film, creating a dynamic and engaging atmosphere.

John Phillips

The musical arrangements are skillfully crafted, enhancing the emotional impact of key scenes in the movie and creating a truly immersive viewing experience.

Daniel Miller

The soundtrack of Absolute Beginners perfectly captures the vibrant and rebellious spirit of 1950s London, setting the tone for the era of rock and roll and teenage freedom.

Elizabeth Jones

The energy and passion in the music of Absolute Beginners are infectious, making it impossible not to tap your feet or sing along while listening.

Stephanie Young

The soundtrack features iconic artists such as David Bowie, Sade, and Ray Davies, whose contributions elevate the film and make it a memorable musical experience.

Margaret Jones

The soundtrack of Absolute Beginners perfectly captures the vibrant and rebellious spirit of the rock and roll era in 1950s London.

James Davis

Each song in the soundtrack is carefully selected and placed to enhance the mood and atmosphere of the film, showcasing the talents of iconic artists like David Bowie and Sade while introducing listeners to lesser-known but equally captivating tracks.