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What lies ahead after we die? For Michael Paton's soul the answer becomes all too clear as he wakes up in his bathtub with no memory of how he got there. Realizing he is deceased, Michael's soul is forced to team with an identical version of himself, his corpse; their split the result of his violent end by his own hand. Determined to find his place back with the living, Michael and his corpse dodge an elegant agent of the After - Life who seems resolute in teaching Michael his place with the dearly departed. With questions piling up, Michael finds himself attending his own funeral with no sign of his loving wife in attendance. Suddenly, Michael feels he may not want the answers he's given as he witnesses his last confrontation with his wife before her violent death and his consequential suicide. Atonement is all Michael has left as he rejects the status quo of death and insists on watching over his wife's grave in hopes of redemption, showing second chances don't stop at death.