After Life is a British black comedy-drama television series created, written, and directed by Ricky Gervais. The show follows Tony, a man who had a perfect life until his wife Lisa suddenly dies from cancer. Struggling to cope with his grief, Tony contemplates suicide but decides instead to live long enough to punish the world by saying and doing whatever he likes. He believes that since he no longer has anything to lose, he can now be brutally honest with everyone he encounters.
Throughout the series, Tony interacts with various people in his life, including his colleagues at the local newspaper where he works, his friends, and his therapist. As he navigates his way through his grief and anger, Tony begins to realize that there are still moments of beauty and joy in life, even after experiencing such a devastating loss.
After Life explores themes of grief, loss, and the search for meaning in a world that can often feel cruel and unfair. The show has been praised for its dark humor, emotional depth, and Gervais' performance as Tony. It has received critical acclaim and has been renewed for multiple seasons, resonating with audiences around the world.