Always a Witch is a Colombian fantasy television series that follows the story of Carmen, a young witch who travels through time to save her loved ones. After being accused of witchcraft in the 17th century, Carmen makes a deal with a wizard to travel to the future and find a way to save her family.
In the present day, Carmen must navigate the complexities of modern life while using her magical powers to protect those she cares about. As she learns more about her abilities and the dangers that come with them, Carmen must make difficult choices to ensure the safety of her loved ones.
Always a Witch explores themes of love, family, and the consequences of using power for personal gain. With a mix of drama, romance, and supernatural elements, this series offers a unique take on the classic witch tale.
Play | Title | Artist |
Always a Witch
Puedes Ver Pero No Tocar
Yo Voy Ganao
El Besito
Mi Tambor