Autobonus Soundtrack (

Autobonus Soundtrack (2001) cover

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Tags: finnish flag
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Title in Español:

Car Bonus

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Title in Português:

Car Bonus


An American dream in Finland - a brand new car and a monthly income of 150,000 Euros. The worst recession period of Finnish history is over but unemployment is decreasing slowly. The spectacular financial growth gained by the Finnish Nokia doesn't reach everyone. Viljo and Kaisu Mikkonen together with 30,000 other Finnish small entrepreneurs lost everything they owned during the downswing, and return to working-life is not easy. An American network marketing company enters Finland and starts recruiting members to their lists. The work itself is incredibly easy: use the company's natural products, recommend them to your friends and families, and you can have everything you have ever dreamed about! Viljo and Kaisu join the network and start to work. They use the company's products and travel around to promote them - extra nutrients, soy products, candy with nutritive values of salad, and special tooth-paste for sore throats. They receive a reward for every new member they recruit. The first aim for them is the bonus promised by the company - a free car.

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