Roukaia, a two-year old girl from Alexandria, Egypt, received her death sentence the day she was born. Due to a combination of heart abnormalities, Roukaia's body is unable to pump enough blood throughout her body. As a result, her skin grows a deeper shade of blue with the passing of each day. Eventually, her vital organs will fail, but not before she experiences a half-life of stunted growth and inactivity. This is the fate of hundreds of thousands.
Each year in Egypt alone, 20,000 children are diagnosed with a congenital heart disease. Today doctors across the globe are beginning to attempt pediatric heart surgery, but this learning curve is gradual and operations are often unsuccessful. Last year in Egypt, more than half of all pediatric heart patients died on the operating table. In an attempt to lower this high mortality rate, doctors in Egypt are reaching out to anyone who will show them how to work as team.
"Baby Blue" is a race against time; for Roukaia's recovery and for two heart teams from opposite sides of the world, who must learn how to work together in order to save thousands of cyanotic children, who are waiting in a line that is ultimately longer than their lifetimes.