Barcelona Christmas Night Soundtrack (

Barcelona Christmas Night Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 6.50/10 from 1000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Barcelona, noche de invierno

Title in Italiano:

Barcelona Christmas Night

Title in Português:

Barcelona Christmas Night


Barcelona Christmas Night

In the heart of Barcelona, a magical Christmas event takes place every year. The streets are adorned with twinkling lights, festive decorations, and the sound of carolers fills the air. Families gather in the city center to enjoy the holiday spirit and partake in the various activities offered.

This year, the highlight of Barcelona Christmas Night is a spectacular light show projected onto the iconic Sagrada Familia cathedral. Visitors are mesmerized as the colorful lights dance across the facade, creating a breathtaking display that captures the essence of the holiday season.

As the night progresses, the streets come alive with street performers, food vendors selling traditional Catalan treats, and a festive atmosphere that is truly infectious. Children eagerly await the arrival of Santa Claus, who makes a grand entrance on a horse-drawn carriage, spreading joy and cheer to all.

Barcelona Christmas Night is a celebration of tradition, community, and the magic of the holiday season. It is a time for families to come together, create lasting memories, and revel in the beauty of this special time of year.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Barcelona Christmas Night
Nit de reis
Joan Dausà: Writer
Joan Dausà: Performer
Andrea, ya nada puede ser
Joan Dausà: Writer
Joan Dausà: Performer
Si et despertes
Joan Dausà: Writer
Joan Dausà: Performer
No vull anar a dormir
Joan Dausà: Writer
Joan Dausà: Performer
Que plogui
Joan Dausà: Writer
Joan Dausà: Performer
Que sigui avui
Joan Dausà: Writer
Joan Dausà: Performer
Casa Jaume
Joan Vilà: Writer
Casa Pares Laura
Joan Vilà: Writer
Joan Vilà: Writer
Vals en Si Major
Joan Vilà: Writer
Joan Vilà: Writer
Now and Forever
Rhett Nelson: Writer
Where Did the Love Go?
The Seihos: Performer
Any Day Now
The Seihos: Performer

User reviews

John Anderson

The soundtrack for Barcelona Christmas Night felt repetitive and uninspired, lacking variety and failing to capture the enchanting atmosphere of the event.

Richard Green

I found the music selection for Barcelona Christmas Night to be mismatched with the festive and magical ambiance of the event, detracting from the overall experience and failing to enhance the holiday spirit.

Mary Williams

The music enhances the sense of community and togetherness during Barcelona Christmas Night, bringing people of all ages together in celebration of the holiday season. It creates a harmonious backdrop for families to create special memories and bond over shared experiences.

Mary Taylor

The music of Barcelona Christmas Night sets the perfect tone for the evening, creating a festive and vibrant ambiance that lingers long after the event is over. It adds an extra layer of magic to an already enchanting experience, making it a truly unforgettable celebration of the holidays.

Dorothy Roberts

The soundtrack of Barcelona Christmas Night perfectly captures the enchanting atmosphere of the event. The festive melodies and cheerful tunes evoke a sense of joy and excitement, adding an extra layer of magic to the experience.

Daniel Young

The music enhances the overall ambiance of Barcelona Christmas Night, creating a warm and welcoming environment for families to enjoy. It sets the perfect tone for the holiday festivities, making it a truly memorable and heartwarming experience for all who attend.

Deborah Clark

The blend of traditional Catalan tunes and modern holiday classics in the soundtrack adds depth and richness to the event, appealing to a wide range of musical tastes. It creates a sense of nostalgia for locals and introduces visitors to the unique cultural heritage of Barcelona.

Kimberly Anderson

The soundtrack of Barcelona Christmas Night perfectly captures the festive and magical atmosphere of the event. Each song is carefully selected to evoke feelings of joy and wonder, enhancing the overall experience for attendees.

Elizabeth Phillips