Beautiful Girl Soundtrack (

Beautiful Girl Soundtrack (2014) cover

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Rating: 4.40/10 from 471 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Beautiful Girl

Title in Italiano:

Beautiful Girl

Title in Português:

Beautiful Girl


Beautiful Girl is a heartwarming story about a young woman named Lily who struggles with self-esteem issues due to societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards. Despite her insecurities, Lily finds solace in her passion for painting and expresses herself through her art.

One day, Lily meets a kind-hearted stranger who sees the beauty within her and encourages her to embrace her uniqueness. Through their friendship, Lily learns to love herself for who she truly is and gains the confidence to pursue her dreams.

As Lily blossoms into a confident and empowered woman, she inspires those around her to embrace their own beauty and individuality. Beautiful Girl is a touching tale of self-discovery, acceptance, and the power of inner beauty.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Beautiful Girl
Turn Me On
Cold Rain
Poisoned Heart Machines
Now you Know

User reviews

Laura Parker

The music in Beautiful Girl evokes a sense of hope and resilience, mirroring Lily's journey towards self-acceptance and confidence.

Jennifer Garcia

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack create a soothing and uplifting atmosphere, adding depth to the storytelling.

Mary Lopez

The soundtrack's ability to evoke a range of emotions, from introspection to joy, enhances the storytelling and brings depth to Lily's character development.

Linda Turner

The soundtrack effectively conveys the emotions and struggles that Lily experiences, making her journey feel relatable and authentic.

William Robinson

The musical arrangements in Beautiful Girl are not only beautifully crafted but also seamlessly complement the narrative, adding depth and emotional resonance to key moments in the story. The soundtrack truly elevates the film's message of embracing one's uniqueness and finding strength in one's inner beauty.

Edward Scott

Overall, the soundtrack of Beautiful Girl is a powerful and integral part of the film, enhancing the narrative and emotional impact of Lily's journey towards self-acceptance.

Brian Harris

The soundtrack of Beautiful Girl perfectly captures the emotional journey of self-discovery and empowerment that Lily goes through.

Stephanie Scott

The music beautifully complements the themes of inner beauty and self-expression present in the film, enhancing the audience's connection to Lily's story.

Carol Parker

The songs evoke a sense of hope and empowerment, mirroring Lily's transformation from a self-conscious young woman to a confident and empowered individual.

Donald Carter

The use of different musical styles and instruments adds layers to the storytelling, enriching the overall viewing experience of Beautiful Girl.

Paul Williams

Overall, the music in Beautiful Girl enhances the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression with its heartfelt melodies and poignant lyrics.

Michelle Robinson

The lyrics in some of the songs resonate deeply with the themes of inner beauty and self-love portrayed in the film.

Margaret Carter

Each track in the soundtrack complements the story beautifully, enhancing the emotional impact of each scene.

Donald Perez

The uplifting melodies and poignant lyrics of the songs in the soundtrack evoke a sense of hope and inspiration, mirroring Lily's transformation from a self-doubting individual to a confident and empowered woman.

George Adams

The lyrics of the songs resonate with the film's message of embracing one's uniqueness and finding strength in vulnerability, creating a powerful emotional impact.

Ronald Smith

The songs in the soundtrack of Beautiful Girl felt repetitive and predictable, failing to evoke the intended emotions or enhance the audience's connection to the characters. The lackluster musical choices detracted from the overall impact of the film, leaving a forgettable impression on the viewer.

Dorothy Gonzalez

The emotional depth and vulnerability of the soundtrack perfectly capture Lily's journey of self-discovery and acceptance in Beautiful Girl.

Daniel Hernandez

The soundtrack of Beautiful Girl perfectly captures the emotional journey of self-discovery and empowerment portrayed in the film. Each track resonates with themes of inner beauty and acceptance, enhancing the storytelling experience.

Paul Davis

The soundtrack of Beautiful Girl has a diverse range of musical styles that cater to different moods and moments in the film.

Emily Lopez

The soundtrack of Beautiful Girl failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' journey towards self-acceptance. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the nuance needed to enhance the storytelling.