Before We Vanish is a Japanese science fiction film directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. The story follows a young couple, Narumi and Shinji, whose lives are turned upside down when Shinji begins to exhibit strange behavior after encountering a mysterious man. It is soon revealed that Shinji is one of three aliens who have come to Earth to prepare for an invasion by "taking over" human bodies.
As the aliens begin to assimilate into human society, they start to question the nature of human emotions and relationships. Narumi, along with a journalist named Sakurai, must race against time to stop the aliens from erasing the memories of humanity and taking over the planet.
The film explores themes of identity, love, and the human experience as the characters grapple with the idea of what it means to be truly human. With stunning visuals and a thought-provoking storyline, Before We Vanish is a captivating and unique take on the science fiction genre.