Louder Than Bombs is a drama film directed by Joachim Trier. The story follows a father and his two sons as they cope with the death of their wife and mother, a war photographer who died in a car accident. Three years after her death, an exhibition of her work is being prepared, bringing up old memories and emotions.
The film explores the complex relationships between the family members and how they each deal with their grief in different ways. The father, played by Gabriel Byrne, struggles to connect with his sons and find a way to move on from his wife's death. The older son, played by Jesse Eisenberg, is a new father himself and is grappling with the responsibilities of parenthood while also trying to come to terms with his own feelings about his mother's death.
Meanwhile, the younger son, played by Devin Druid, is a teenager who is struggling with his own identity and trying to navigate the challenges of adolescence without his mother's guidance. As the exhibition approaches, the family must confront their past and come to terms with the impact that the mother's work and death have had on their lives.
Louder Than Bombs is a poignant and emotionally charged film that delves into themes of loss, grief, and family dynamics. It offers a deeply human portrayal of how individuals cope with tragedy and the ways in which it can shape their relationships and identities.
Play | Title | Artist |
Louder Than Bombs
Nocturne N°20 in C sharp minor, op. posth.
Hungry, So Angry
Conrad's Dream
Release The Kraken
This Or That
Hunted Twice
Manhattan Jungle
Love Me Or Leave Me
Walter Donaldson:
Do You Believe
Rock The Box
Love On A Real Train
Over You
Suite No. 2 in B Minor, BWV 1067
Walking with Melanie
Isabelle Documentary
New York Times
Looking for Conrad
Louder Than Bombs