Bethlehem is a drama film that follows the story of a young Palestinian boy named Mohammad who lives in the city of Bethlehem. Mohammad is caught in the middle of the conflict between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian militants, and he must navigate the dangerous streets of his city to survive.
As Mohammad struggles to make sense of the violence and chaos around him, he forms an unlikely friendship with an Israeli soldier named Yoni. Yoni is also struggling to come to terms with the conflict, and the two boys find solace in each other's company.
However, their friendship is put to the test when Mohammad's older brother is arrested by Israeli soldiers, and Mohammad is forced to make a difficult choice between loyalty to his family and his friendship with Yoni.
Bethlehem is a powerful and emotional film that explores the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the eyes of two young boys who are forced to confront the harsh realities of war and violence.