Bio Hunter is a Japanese anime film that follows the story of two scientists, Komada and Koshigaya, who are researching a mysterious virus that turns humans into monsters. As they investigate further, they discover that the virus is actually a biological weapon created by a powerful pharmaceutical company.
The two scientists must now race against time to find a cure for the virus before it spreads and destroys humanity. Along the way, they encounter a young woman named Sayaka, who has been infected with the virus and holds the key to unlocking its secrets.
As Komada and Koshigaya delve deeper into the company's dark secrets, they realize that they are not the only ones searching for the cure. They must now fight against both the company and the monsters it has created in order to save Sayaka and prevent the virus from spreading further.
Bio Hunter is a thrilling and action-packed anime film that explores themes of science, morality, and the consequences of playing god with nature. It is a must-watch for fans of the horror and sci-fi genres.