Bio Slime Soundtrack (

Bio Slime Soundtrack (2010) cover

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Rating: 4.70/10 from 294 votes
Tags: tendril
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Bio Slime

Title in Português:

Bio Slime

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Title in Türk:

Bio Slime

Title in Deutsch:

Bio Slime


Trapped in a room with only one door and no windows. Their cell phones do not work and no one outside of the building can hear their calls for help.

The group of seven people is under siege as the shape shifting creature tries to seep inside. They are picked off one by one until it is obvious that they cannot out wait this predator.

A plan is hatched to retrieve the case that the creature came in to see if it holds any clue to control it or destroy it.

When they finally do get the case the creature breaks through the room's barriers and they have to run a macabre gauntlet through the building to the outside world.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Bio Slime
Lead Man
Push You out to Sea
I Need You
Like You and I (Like a Knife)
Unseen Sea
Felt Like a Perfume
Pictured Perfect
End Times
Is It Really That Good?
Made for Me
Confederate Ghosts
Hostile Architecture

User reviews

Stephanie Martinez

The soundtrack of Bio Slime perfectly captures the suspenseful atmosphere of being trapped in a room with a shape-shifting creature. The eerie and ominous tones keep the tension high throughout the film.

Brian Scott

The music intensifies as the group of seven people are picked off one by one, adding to the sense of urgency and danger. The use of subtle electronic elements enhances the feeling of being under siege and facing an unknown predator.

Joshua Parker

The music choices often distracted from the on-screen action, taking away from the overall immersion in the story and making it difficult to stay engaged with the plot.

Andrew Garcia

The haunting vocals and haunting instrumental arrangements add a layer of depth to the soundtrack, enhancing the overall atmosphere of fear and desperation.

Joseph Taylor

The soundtrack reaches its peak during the thrilling climax when the group hatches a plan to retrieve the case holding the creature. The adrenaline-pumping beats and escalating rhythms perfectly accompany their escape through the building, creating a sense of panic and excitement.

Brian Rodriguez

Overall, the soundtrack of Bio Slime is a masterful blend of tension, suspense, and terror, perfectly complementing the harrowing story of survival against all odds.

Ashley Robinson

The music enhances the feeling of isolation and desperation as the group of seven people are picked off one by one by the relentless predator. The eerie melodies and haunting sound effects create a sense of imminent danger and impending doom.

George Jones

The music effectively conveys the feeling of isolation and helplessness as the group realizes they are completely cut off from the outside world.

Jennifer Hall

The eerie and suspenseful tones of the soundtrack perfectly capture the tension of being trapped in a room with a shape-shifting creature lurking outside.

Kenneth Taylor

The pulsating rhythms and driving beats drive the action forward, mirroring the group's frantic attempts to stay one step ahead of the creature.

William Garcia

The soundtrack of Bio Slime felt disjointed and out of place throughout the movie, failing to build tension or enhance the suspenseful moments effectively.

David Thompson

The lack of a cohesive musical theme or motif made it challenging to connect emotionally with the characters or feel the intensity of their predicament as they struggled to survive the shape-shifting creature's attacks.

Edward Miller

The sound design and mixing of the soundtrack are top-notch, immersing the listener in the claustrophobic and terrifying world of Bio Slime.

Robert Hill

The soundtrack of Bio Slime perfectly captures the tension and suspense of the story. The eerie and haunting melodies set the atmosphere for being trapped in a room with a shape-shifting creature.

James Rodriguez

The soundtrack effectively conveys the sense of urgency and adrenaline as the characters hatch a plan to retrieve the case containing the creature. The pulse-pounding beats and intense orchestration elevate the action-packed sequences as they try to escape the building and face the creature in a thrilling climax.

George Gonzalez

The use of dissonant chords and unsettling melodies creates a sense of unease and impending danger throughout the soundtrack.

Richard Anderson

The escalating intensity of the music mirrors the group's sense of urgency as they try to outsmart the predator and escape their dire situation.

Timothy Gonzalez

The use of electronic elements and experimental sounds adds a futuristic and otherworldly quality to the music, enhancing the sci-fi horror themes of the film.