Blood & Oil is a drama series that follows the lives of a young couple, Billy and Cody Lefever, who move to North Dakota in search of a better life. They are drawn to the booming oil industry and hope to strike it rich. However, they soon find themselves caught up in a dangerous world of greed, corruption, and betrayal.
As they navigate the cutthroat business of oil drilling, Billy and Cody must make difficult choices that will test their relationship and their morals. They are faced with powerful enemies who will stop at nothing to protect their interests, leading to a high-stakes battle for control of the oil fields.
Blood & Oil explores the dark side of the American dream and the lengths people will go to in pursuit of wealth and power. The series delves into the complexities of ambition, loyalty, and the consequences of chasing success at any cost.
Play | Title | Artist |
Blood & Oil
Hard Time
Seinabo Sey:
Turn Down for What