State of Happiness is a Norwegian television series that follows the lives of four young people in the small town of Stavanger during the oil boom of the 1960s. The show explores themes of ambition, love, and betrayal as the characters navigate their way through the changing social and economic landscape of the time.
The series begins with the discovery of oil off the coast of Stavanger, which brings newfound wealth and opportunities to the town. The main characters, a journalist, a secretary, an engineer, and a housewife, each find themselves caught up in the excitement and challenges of the oil industry.
As they pursue their dreams and ambitions, they must also confront the darker side of the boom, including corruption, greed, and environmental destruction. The show delves into the personal and professional struggles of the characters as they try to find their place in this new world.
State of Happiness is a gripping drama that offers a fascinating glimpse into a pivotal moment in Norwegian history, while also exploring universal themes of love, loss, and redemption.