Blue in the Face Soundtrack (

Blue in the Face Soundtrack (1995) cover

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Rating: 6.70/10 from 8941 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Blue in the Face

Title in Italiano:

Blue in the Face

Title in Português:

Fumo Azul


Wayne Wang's follow-up movie to Smoke (1995) presents a series of improvisational situations strung together to form a pastiche of Brooklyn's diverse ethnicity, offbeat humor, and essential humanity. Many of the same characters inhabiting Auggie Wren's Brooklyn Cigar Store in Smoke (1995) return here to expound on their philosophy of smoking, relationships, baseball, New York City, and Belgian Waffles. Most of all, this is a movie about living life, off-the-cuff.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Blue in the Face
God's Child
David Byrne: Writer
David Byrne: Performer
Suwannee Joe
To My Ba-Bay
Why Can't We Be Friends
Let's Get Ready To Rhumba
Happy Suicide
Egg Cream
Bam Chikee Chikee, Cham Chikee Chikee
Brooklyn Boogie
Lily's Blues
Lovesick Blues
El Negrito Del Batey
South: Regression To Love
Take Me Out To The Ballgame
Subete No Hito No Kokoro Ni Hana O (Flowers For Your Heart)
Inside The Cigar Store
My Little Drum Thing
The Breeze And I
Dime A Dozen
Haym Afen Range
Beyond The Realm
Jing Jing
Taka Taka-Ta
De Mais Ninguem