The Power of Few is a 2013 action film that follows the lives of several characters whose fates are intertwined by a mysterious smuggling operation. The story is told from multiple perspectives, revealing how each character's actions impact the others in unexpected ways.
One of the main characters is a young girl named Few, who possesses a special ability to see into the future. She becomes a key player in the unfolding events as she tries to prevent a terrorist attack in New Orleans.
As the plot unfolds, viewers are taken on a thrilling ride filled with twists and turns, as the characters' paths cross and collide in a series of unexpected events. The film explores themes of fate, free will, and the interconnectedness of all things.
The Power of Few is a unique and engaging film that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end, as they try to piece together the puzzle of how these seemingly unrelated characters are connected.
Play | Title | Artist |
You Inside My Head
Up the Stairs
We'll Meet Again
Sometimes I Don't Get You
Wake Up Call
Yellow Kangaroo