Bra Boys Soundtrack (

Bra Boys Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Bra Boys


The first approved documentary on the famous Maroubra surf gang, the Bra Boys. Demonstrating their success in professional big wave surfing, exploring their reputation for party animals and tough justice, touching on their battle with the authorities and proving their mutual trust to fit in and survive in a society where they are displaced. The film also focuses on the evolution of the Sydney beachside suburb of Maroubra and the historical stigma associated with Australia's rebellious surfing community, and how it has contributed to their social displacement.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Bra Boys
George Sarah: Performer
George Sarah: Writer
Battle Scars
Jamie Holt: Performer
Jamie Holt: Writer
Ready to Brawl
Bra Boy Warriors
Disco Biscuits
Jamie Holt: Performer
Jamie Holt: Writer
Marky's 21st
Jamie Holt: Writer
Causing Trouble
Jamie Holt: Writer