Breakup Buddies is a Chinese romantic comedy film directed by Ning Hao. The story follows Geng Hao, a recently divorced man who decides to go on a road trip with his best friend, Hao Yi, to help him get over his ex-wife. Along the way, they encounter various adventures and meet new people, including a young woman named Mi Mi who joins them on their journey.
As Geng Hao and Hao Yi navigate the ups and downs of their own relationships and friendships, they learn valuable lessons about love, friendship, and moving on from the past. The film explores themes of heartbreak, healing, and the importance of having a support system during difficult times.
Breakup Buddies is a heartwarming and humorous film that showcases the power of friendship and the resilience of the human spirit. It reminds viewers that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a brighter future.