"Burning Down the House" is a thrilling novel that follows the story of a young woman named Sarah who finds herself caught in a web of deceit and danger. As she delves deeper into the mystery surrounding her family's old mansion, she uncovers dark secrets that threaten to destroy everything she holds dear.
With the help of her loyal friends, Sarah must navigate through a series of twists and turns as she races against time to uncover the truth before it's too late. But as the flames of betrayal and revenge threaten to consume her, Sarah must make a choice that will change her life forever.
Will Sarah be able to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces at play, or will she be consumed by the fire that threatens to burn down the house?
Play | Title | Artist |
Burning Down the House
What's Going On
Rattlesnake Shake
From the Pan to the Fire
All I Ever Wanted