"Burning Ghost" is a French drama film that follows the story of a young man named Juste who dies in a motorcycle accident. However, instead of moving on to the afterlife, Juste finds himself stuck in a limbo between the living and the dead. As he navigates this strange new existence, Juste discovers that he can still interact with the world around him, but only in limited ways. He watches as his friends and family struggle to cope with his death, and he longs to communicate with them and offer them comfort. But as time passes, Juste begins to realize that he may never be able to truly move on from his own tragic end. "Burning Ghost" is a haunting and poignant exploration of grief, loss, and the power of love to transcend death.
Play | Title | Artist |
Burning Ghost
Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor, Op. 18
Nocturnes N° 1 - Nuages
Claude Debussy: