Butterfly's Tongue Soundtrack (

Butterfly's Tongue Soundtrack (1999) cover

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Rating: 7.60/10 from 9800 votes
Tags: mother son kiss
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La lengua de las mariposas


For Moncho, it's an idyllic year: he starts school, he has a wonderful teacher, he makes a friend in Roque, he begins to figure out some of the mysteries of Eros, and, with his older brother, a budding saxophone player, he makes a trip with the band from their town in Galicia.

But it's also the year that the Spanish Republic comes under fire from Fascist rebels. Moncho's father is a Republican as is the aging teacher, Don Gregorio. As sides are drawn and power falls clearly to one side, the forces of fear, violence, and betrayal alter profoundly what should be the pleasure of coming of age.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Butterfly's Tongue
La orquesta azul
El manisero
Moïse Simons: Writer
Moïse Simons: Score and lyrics composed
Antonio Machín: Performer
El maestro
Patxi Andión: Writer
Rafael Ferro: Arrangement
Rafael Ferro: By patxi andión arranged
La Huida
La Lengua de las Mariposas
La Excursión
La Nena
El Funeral
El Grillo Rey
Traje Nuevo
La Nena y los Lobos
La Despedida
La Jubilación
La Muerte de Tarzán
El Tilonorrinco
La Plaza
Créditos finales
En er mundo
Juan Quintero: Writer
Himno de Riego
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Blue Eyes
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Taking In Lodgers
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Just Make Up Your Mind
Kyle Dixon: Performer
I Don't Know How Happy I Am Anymore
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Kyle Dixon: Performer
School Troubles
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Introducing Maxine
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Cut Wrists
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Tickle Gods
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Dress Up
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Maxine's Groove
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Making the Choice
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Kyle Dixon: Performer
What Was the Point of Me?
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Dancing with the Girls
Kyle Dixon: Performer
A Long Way to Go
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Butterfly Main Theme
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Hot Tin Tub
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Silver On The Sage (feat. Johnny Bond)
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Waiting Montage
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Here For The Wedding
Ennio Morricone: Performer
It's Wrong For Me To Love You (feat. Pia Zadora)
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Girl On My Porch
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Bye Bye
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Pokin' Moke
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Back In The Hills
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Butterfly Main Theme (Short Version)
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Main Title
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Moke Shot
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Pokin Moke
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Its Belle
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Im Your Daughter
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Silver Mine
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Daddy Agrees
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Were For The Wedding
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Shes Not Your Kid
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
The Trial
Ennio Morricone: Performer
A Son-In-Law
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Main Title (Alternate Version)
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Its Wrong For Me To Love You
Ennio Morricone: Performer
All a Dream
Federico Jusid: Performer
Jack's Knife
Federico Jusid: Performer
Federico Jusid: Performer
Did You Hear a Woman Scream
Federico Jusid: Performer
Federico Jusid: Performer
Jack's Story
Federico Jusid: Performer
When Providence Sings to Me
Federico Jusid: Performer
A Stranger at the Cafe
Federico Jusid: Performer
Paul Unleases
Federico Jusid: Performer
A New Guest
Federico Jusid: Performer
Punching Bag
Nathan Klein: Performer
Bedroom Sanctuary
Nathan Klein: Performer
19th Floor
Nathan Klein: Performer
Pied Piper
Nathan Klein: Performer
Nathan Klein: Performer
Killing Time
Nathan Klein: Performer
The Phantom
Nathan Klein: Performer
Nathan Klein: Performer
Butterfly Kisses
Nathan Klein: Performer
Lilly and
Nathan Klein: Performer
Your Mate
Nathan Klein: Performer
A Simple Effort of Love
The Octopus Project: Performer
Reading Rainbow Theme Song (feat. The Flaming Lips)
The Octopus Project: Performer
The Octopus Project: Performer
Green Cravat
The Octopus Project: Performer
An Invitation
The Octopus Project: Performer
Picture This
The Octopus Project: Performer
Bit of a Leap
The Octopus Project: Performer
Screen Test
The Octopus Project: Performer
Listen to the Swing
The Octopus Project: Performer
New Action
The Octopus Project: Performer
The Octopus Project: Performer
Tied to the Tube
The Octopus Project: Performer
The Octopus Project: Performer
Theme Beginnings
The Octopus Project: Performer
Cecilia Bobo
The Octopus Project: Performer
Debbi Dennis
The Octopus Project: Performer
I Always Wanted to Be a Teacher
The Octopus Project: Performer
The Octopus Project: Performer
The Octopus Project: Performer
Books Everywhere
The Octopus Project: Performer
See the Book
The Octopus Project: Performer
Reading Rocket
The Octopus Project: Performer
Kenn Michael
The Octopus Project: Performer
But You Don't Have to Take My Word for It
The Octopus Project: Performer
The Octopus Project: Performer
I Changed a Little Bit
The Octopus Project: Performer
Tin Forest
The Octopus Project: Performer
Grape Look
The Octopus Project: Performer
The Octopus Project: Performer
Amazing Grace
The Octopus Project: Performer
Readers for Life Pt. 1
The Octopus Project: Performer
Readers for Life Pt. 2
The Octopus Project: Performer
Small Clap
The Octopus Project: Performer
I Don't Know How Happy I Am Anymore
Kyle Dixon: Performer
Maxine's Groove
Kyle Dixon: Performer
It's Wrong For Me To Love You (feat. Pia Zadora)
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Pokin' Moke
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Jack's Knife
Federico Jusid: Performer
Jack's Story
Federico Jusid: Performer
But You Don't Have to Take My Word for It
The Octopus Project: Performer

User reviews

Paul Martin

The emotional depth and poignancy of the soundtrack elevate the film's portrayal of the Spanish Republic's turbulent times, adding a layer of complexity and authenticity to the narrative that resonates with the viewer.

Betty Baker

The use of traditional Galician music in the soundtrack adds an authentic and cultural richness to the film, enhancing the setting and the characters' experiences.

Emily Walker

The incorporation of saxophone solos in the soundtrack, reflecting Moncho's older brother's passion for music, adds a layer of depth and complexity to the overall musical composition.

Anthony Walker

The soundtrack effectively enhances the storytelling, providing a powerful emotional undercurrent that elevates the film's narrative and themes.

Deborah Johnson

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack of Butterfly's Tongue perfectly capture the innocence and beauty of Moncho's idyllic year, creating a nostalgic and emotional atmosphere.

Michael Lopez

The composition of the soundtrack felt disjointed and inconsistent, with abrupt transitions between scenes that disrupted the flow of the narrative. The lack of cohesion in the musical themes made it difficult to fully engage with the characters' struggles and the historical context of the Spanish Republic under fire from Fascist rebels.

Dorothy Thomas

The melancholic tones in certain tracks evoke a sense of foreboding and uncertainty, reflecting the looming threat of the Fascist rebellion and the impact it has on Moncho and his family.

John Adams

The sound design in the film is masterfully integrated with the music, creating a cohesive audio experience that immerses the audience in the story and the characters' world.

Susan Moore

Overall, I was disappointed by the soundtrack of Butterfly's Tongue as it failed to capture the essence of the coming-of-age story set against the backdrop of a politically turbulent period in Spanish history.

Edward Jackson

The music seamlessly transitions between moments of joy and moments of tension, effectively mirroring the conflicting emotions experienced by the characters during the turbulent times of the Spanish Republic.

Michelle King

The music perfectly conveys the sense of camaraderie and friendship between Moncho and Roque, evoking a sense of warmth and connection that adds depth to their on-screen relationship.

Melissa Davis

Overall, the music in Butterfly's Tongue is a vital element that enhances the viewing experience, creating a deep connection with the characters and their journey through a tumultuous period in history.

Amanda Turner

The soundtrack of Butterfly's Tongue beautifully captures the innocence and wonder of Moncho's idyllic year, with its delicate melodies and soothing tones.

Michelle Phillips

I found the soundtrack of Butterfly's Tongue to be lacking emotional depth and connection to the storyline. The music did not effectively enhance the intense moments of fear, violence, and betrayal portrayed in the film, failing to create a truly immersive experience for the audience.