Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a novel written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. The story revolves around the murder of Santiago Nasar, a young man who is killed by the Vicario brothers in a small Colombian town. The novel is narrated by an unnamed character who returns to the town years later to investigate the circumstances surrounding Nasar's death.
The novel explores themes of honor, fate, and the power of tradition. The Vicario brothers believe that they are justified in killing Nasar because he has dishonored their sister, Angela Vicario. However, it is revealed that Angela was not actually deflowered by Nasar, leading to questions about the true motives behind the murder.
Throughout the novel, the narrator interviews various townspeople who were present on the day of the murder, each providing their own perspective on the events leading up to Nasar's death. The novel ultimately raises questions about the nature of truth and the consequences of blindly following tradition.