ReLIFE is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yayoiso. The story follows a 27-year-old man named Arata Kaizaki who is unemployed and struggling to find a job. One day, he is offered a mysterious opportunity to participate in a scientific experiment called the ReLIFE program.
Arata is given a pill that makes him appear 10 years younger and is sent back to high school for one year. During this time, he must navigate the challenges of adolescence while trying to figure out the purpose of the experiment. As he interacts with his classmates and teachers, Arata learns valuable lessons about life, friendship, and self-discovery.
ReLIFE explores themes of second chances, personal growth, and the impact of our past decisions on our present selves. The series has received critical acclaim for its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes.