Wolf Girl and Black Prince is a Japanese manga series written by Ayuko Hatta. The story follows Erika Shinohara, a high school girl who lies to her friends about having a boyfriend. When they ask for a picture, Erika takes a random photo of a handsome boy and claims he is her boyfriend. Little does she know, the boy in the picture is actually Kyoya Sata, the school's "Black Prince" known for his cold and manipulative personality.
As Erika's lie spirals out of control, Kyoya agrees to pretend to be her boyfriend under one condition: she must become his "wolf girl" and obey his every command. Despite their tumultuous relationship, Erika begins to see a different side of Kyoya and realizes there may be more to him than meets the eye.
Wolf Girl and Black Prince explores themes of love, trust, and self-discovery as Erika and Kyoya navigate their complicated relationship and learn to open up to each other.