Comic Sans Soundtrack (

Comic Sans Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 7.10/10 from 1200 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Comic Sans

Title in Italiano:

Comic Sans

Title in Português:

Comic Sans


Comic Sans is a short film that follows the story of a graphic designer named Alex who is struggling to find his creative voice.

Feeling uninspired and stuck in a rut, Alex decides to take a break and visit a quirky little bookstore in search of inspiration.

There, he stumbles upon a mysterious old book that seems to be calling out to him. Intrigued, Alex opens the book and is transported into a world where everything is written in the infamous Comic Sans font.

As Alex navigates this strange new world, he begins to see things in a different light and rediscovers his passion for design.

Comic Sans is a whimsical and heartwarming tale about the power of creativity and the importance of staying true to oneself.

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Play Title Artist
Comic Sans
Drugi joj rasplice kosu a ja je volim
Miso Kovac: Performer
Drago Mlinarec: Performer

User reviews

Nancy Harris

The combination of playful melodies and poignant themes in the soundtrack of Comic Sans creates a rich tapestry of sound that resonates with the film's message about the power of creativity and self-expression.

Jennifer Brown

Overall, the soundtrack of Comic Sans is a vital component of the film's success, elevating the storytelling and bringing an extra layer of depth to the viewer's experience.

Ronald Davis

Furthermore, the repetitive use of generic, upbeat tunes throughout the film became tiresome and distracting, overshadowing key moments of introspection and character development. The soundtrack failed to enhance the storytelling experience and missed the opportunity to create a more immersive and engaging atmosphere for the audience.

John Lewis

The soundtrack of Comic Sans perfectly captures the whimsical and quirky essence of the film, adding depth and emotion to Alex's journey of self-discovery.

Robert Jones

The soundtrack of Comic Sans was underwhelming and failed to capture the whimsical and magical essence of the story. The music lacked depth and emotion, leaving me feeling disconnected from the characters and their journey.

Steven King

Each track in the soundtrack complements the different stages of Alex's transformation, from his initial struggles to his eventual breakthrough, conveying a range of emotions and adding layers to the narrative.

Patricia Moore

The soundtrack of Comic Sans perfectly captures the whimsical and heartwarming essence of the film. Each musical piece enhances the storytelling and adds depth to Alex's journey of rediscovering his creative voice.

Amanda Jackson

The use of different musical styles and instruments in the soundtrack reflects the diverse range of emotions that Alex experiences throughout the story. From moments of introspection to scenes of inspiration, the music effectively conveys the character's inner struggles and growth.

James Jackson

The soundtrack of Comic Sans perfectly captures the whimsical and heartwarming essence of the film. The music enhances the narrative of Alex's journey to find his creative voice, adding depth and emotion to each scene.

Donna Lopez

The use of different musical styles and instruments in the soundtrack of Comic Sans creates a dynamic and engaging listening experience. From uplifting melodies to more introspective tunes, the music beautifully complements the emotional arc of the story and keeps the audience fully immersed in Alex's adventure.

Margaret Jones

The music evokes a sense of mystery and wonder as Alex delves into the world of Comic Sans, enhancing the audience's immersion in the story and creating a truly enchanting experience.