"Cross My Heart" is a thrilling novel that follows the story of Sarah, a young woman who finds herself caught in a web of lies and deceit. As she navigates through a dangerous world of secrets and betrayal, Sarah must trust her instincts and follow her heart to uncover the truth.
With twists and turns at every corner, Sarah's journey is filled with suspense and intrigue. As she races against time to uncover the mystery that surrounds her, Sarah must cross her heart and hope to survive.
Will Sarah be able to untangle the web of lies that threaten to destroy her life? Or will she fall victim to the dark forces that seek to silence her forever? Find out in "Cross My Heart", a heart-pounding tale of love, betrayal, and redemption.
Play | Title | Artist |
Cross My Heart
One Heartbeat
Hot in the Flames of Love
Perfect World
Holding Back the Years
So Much in Love
Timothy B. Schmit: