Decoder is a science fiction film that follows the story of a young man named Flyn, who works at a record store in a dystopian society controlled by a powerful corporation. Flyn discovers a mysterious signal hidden in the music that is being played in the store, which leads him to a group of underground rebels who are fighting against the oppressive regime.
As Flyn delves deeper into the world of the rebels, he learns about a secret code embedded in the music that can be used to unlock hidden messages and overthrow the corporation. With the help of his new allies, Flyn sets out on a dangerous mission to decode the signal and bring down the oppressive regime once and for all.
Decoder is a thrilling and thought-provoking film that explores themes of rebellion, surveillance, and the power of music to inspire change. With its unique blend of science fiction and social commentary, Decoder is a must-see for fans of dystopian cinema.