Distortion Soundtrack (

Distortion Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Distortion is a suspense thriller about a woman who awakens from a coma after 3 months to flashes of the memory of her family's brutal murder, but without any solid memory to assist the police in catching the killer, whom she saw when she herself was attacked. She is facing danger from several fronts because, without her memories of that night, she has no idea if the killer is someone she knows or a random stranger. The fact that she makes a miraculous recovery from her long term coma is covered by the media, which means whoever murdered her family will now know she is awake and possibly come back to finish what s/he started. Discovering who the killer is involves a variety of twists and turns that keep the audience guessing right to the very end.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Rei do Palhetinho
Ilha Virgem
Ulungu Wami
Pachanga Maria
Tira Sapato
N'Gui Banza Mama
Mi Cantando Para Ti
Macongo Me Chiquita
Uma Amiga
Farra Na Madrugada
Samba Braguez
Passeio por Luanda
Eme Lelu
Pica O Dedo
Massanga Mama
Avante Juventude
Senhor Doutor