Dr. Cabbie Soundtrack (

Dr. Cabbie Soundtrack (2014) cover

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Rating: 6.00/10 from 3900 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Dr. Cabbie

Title in Italiano:

Dr. Cabbie

Title in Português:

Dr. Cabbie


In honor of his deceased physician father, Deepak V. Chopra is able to graduate from medical school at the top of his class at the University of New Delhi, his primary motive in becoming a doctor to help others.

But in wanting a better life, he decides to immigrate with his supportive mother, Nellie Chopra, to Toronto, they sponsored by his maternal uncle, Vijay Sharma, a restaurateur living his version of the immigrant dream with his Caucasian Canadian wife, Rani Sharma.

Deepak finds that his dream of being a doctor in Canada is not as easy as he envisioned, as he is turned down from one physician job after another despite there being a shortage of physicians in the country in general.

In the process, Deepak is initially reluctant to work in any other profession, despite not wanting to live off his family.

His life changes in meeting two people. The first is Tony, a constantly on-the-prowl South Asian cabbie. Although Tony has never wanted to be anything but a cabbie, he introduces Deepak to his fellow immigrant cabbies, most who are highly educated but cannot find work in their chosen field.

The second is Natalie Wilman, a Caucasian barista at a coffee house who was, out of circumstance, somewhat forced out of her own chosen profession as lawyer. For Deepak, it's love at first sight with Natalie.

In the combination of Tony and Natalie with some extra help by Tony's boss, Pete Donaldson who is in advanced stage lung cancer, Deepak stumbles onto a way that he can use his medical know-how to help people in need.

But Deepak living the Canadian dream, with Natalie if she'll have him, is not a bump-free road as he has to deal with Canadian laws and regulations, and as Natalie's ex-boyfriend, Colin Hill, a lawyer himself who is making a run for mayor in the upcoming election, has ulterior motives in not seeing a Natalie-Deepak happy ending.

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Dr. Cabbie

User reviews

Daniel Evans

The soundtrack of Dr. Cabbie fails to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' journeys, leaving the audience disconnected from the storyline.

Matthew Phillips

The variety of musical styles in the soundtrack adds depth to the narrative, reflecting the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the characters. From traditional Indian melodies to contemporary pop beats, the soundtrack mirrors the cultural fusion depicted in the film.

Emily Thompson

The soundtrack of Dr. Cabbie perfectly captures the emotional journey of the main character, Deepak, as he navigates the challenges of starting a new life in a foreign country. The music enhances the storytelling by conveying the struggles, hopes, and triumphs of the characters in a heartfelt and compelling way.

Jennifer Smith

The soundtrack of Dr. Cabbie seems disjointed and inconsistent, with songs that do not flow seamlessly with the narrative, disrupting the immersion of the audience in the film.

Joshua Moore

Each track in the soundtrack is masterfully composed to reflect the cultural diversity and personal struggles of the characters. The blend of traditional South Asian melodies with modern Western influences creates a unique and captivating listening experience that enhances the storytelling.

Edward Hill

The soundtrack of Dr. Cabbie truly captures the emotional journey of Deepak as he navigates the challenges of pursuing his medical career in a new country. The music perfectly conveys the determination and resilience of the characters as they face obstacles and strive for a better life.

Matthew Martinez

The uplifting and inspiring themes in the music resonate with the heartwarming moments in the film, particularly the relationships that Deepak forms with Tony, Natalie, and Pete. The soundtrack elevates the emotional impact of the story, making it a memorable and enriching cinematic experience.

Emily Jackson

Overall, the soundtrack of Dr. Cabbie succeeds in immersing the audience in the poignant and heartwarming tale of love, perseverance, and cultural integration. The music enhances the storytelling, making the film a memorable and enjoyable experience for viewers.

Edward Rodriguez

The use of music to convey the emotional connections between the characters, such as Deepak and Natalie, is particularly effective. The romantic themes are underscored by melodic and poignant tunes that tug at the heartstrings and enhance the chemistry between the actors.

Michelle Smith

The music choices in Dr. Cabbie often feel generic and uninspired, lacking originality and failing to enhance the overall viewing experience.

James Campbell

The soundtrack of Dr. Cabbie is a fitting complement to the heartwarming and uplifting story of Deepak Chopra's journey to help others in a new country. The music captures the emotional struggles and triumphs of the characters, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Deborah Lopez

The diversity of musical styles in the soundtrack of Dr. Cabbie adds depth and richness to the overall viewing experience. From traditional South Asian melodies to contemporary Western beats, the soundtrack reflects the cultural fusion and diversity portrayed in the film, creating a dynamic and engaging auditory backdrop for the narrative.