"Duck Butter" is a 2018 Spanish drama film directed by Miguel Arteta. The film follows two women, Naima and Sergio, who meet at a club and decide to spend 24 hours together having sex every hour. As they navigate their intense and intimate relationship, they begin to question their own desires and the nature of love.
Play | Title | Artist |
Duck Butter
Labyrinth I
Labyrinth II
Labyrinth VII
The Weighing of the Heart
Going Forth by Day
The Happy Sea
Labyrinth V
Labyrinth IV
Holding Horses
Breaking Up the Earth
Labyrinth VI
Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life
Geometría del Universo
Floating In The Clearest Night
The Sun
Drink to Me Only Thine Eyes
Andrea Y. Byrd:
Tides I
Tides V
Tides VIII
Tides VII
The Pit
Geometrica Del Universo